Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Bombers beat writer Mark Feinsand -- known to listeners of the New York Yankees Radio Network as the primary voice of the Daily News Fifth Inning -- posted this magnificent fan letter on his Twitter feed:

To Mr. Feinsand

I'n not a fan of any sports team but curse every rotten apple NY sports team, an evil city of hell that destroyed many years of my life in poverty while it aids many illegal aliens with everything.

You remember how a Greek bar owner Cianis cursed the chicago white sox in the 1948 world series because the owner expelled him from the stadium for bring in his pet goat and the Chicago white sox cubs never won a world series.

As proof NYC itself is an evil, very corrupt city of hell enclosed are newspaper articles by NYC newspapers that blasted NYC as very corrupt.

The only reason your rotten apple yankees "won" in 09 was an illegal call made by a really dumb umpire in the 09 playoffs against the Twins who lost all three games.

As I write this Cliff Lee lost the first world series game agains the SF Giants and it's morally sick your phoney rotten apple yankees that has the highest payroll in baseball steals good players which expose baseball as a corrupt sports. 

It's morally sick about 15 MILLION Americans are unemployed in mass layoffs while baseball players grab millions for a sports game.

Why don;t you have the courage to demand fans write to sports owners to cut all salaries of all sports teams by 80%


  1. mark feinsand should cut his food intake by 80%

  2. The Revolution has begun.

  3. That 80% could be funneled to all those unemployed people by paying them to play professional baseball.

    Think of it - a professional baseball game taking place at every neighborhood schoolyard diamond 365 days a year ! Expand the game to the non-working class.

    Restore populism now !

  4. This guy's argument is full of holes. The name of the Billy Goat's owner is spelled Sianis, not Cianis.

  5. 1948 World Series:
    Cleveland Indians v. Boston Braves.

    Not that anybody cares about facts anymore, unless it's something really important, like are Christina Hendricks' boobs real or not.

    Here I am, Buck.

  6. It's a simple test: anything you can touch is real.


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