Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A-Rod might cough up his only ring?

Cam-Rod might be "kicking the tire on forever."

He's auditioning the kids, says the Mail:

The couple were spotted enjoying a romantic vacation in Miami and Mexico over the Thanksgiving weekend in November. And now it looks like A-Rod, real name Alex Rodriguez, is ready for Cameron to be part of the family after he brought his children along to share Christmas with them in Mexico.

Christmastime in Mehico! Family time for the man who taught Melky the etiquette of lapdance and lived three years within putt-putt distance of Hideki Matsui's porn trove. Now... wedding bells? 

Maybe it's for the best. The guy hasn't hit since Snake Plisken eyeballed him in the '09 Kate Hudson salary dump. Gotta figure with a Charley's Angel like Diaz, he'll feel safe if Kate ever tries to open a can of Anne Heche on him.

Let's hope Arod knows what he's doing. One he enters that little door into John Malkovich's mind,  Robbie Cano won't be able to drive him home.

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