Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spring sprunged: The IIH April 2010 Recap

Double haha. A dumbass fan told off them big city know-it-alls.

At White House, while the Yankees gazed upon Obama,
one great man maintained security vigil.

Soon, Alphonso was contemplating his new fave Yank.

Big Papi stumbled in Boston, and BernBabyBern took note:

George's secret life began to emerge.

Marlins and Creed unveiled... The. Worst. Song. Ever.

We offered...
Javy, the Poem

Surrendering doubles,
Hurling 'neath a frown,
Dwelling o'er his troubles,
    Javy's feeling down.

Cries from the bleachers,
"Take him out! The clown!"
Mad, hurful creatures...
    Javy's feeling down.

Balls soaring higher,
Far across the town,
Javy's serving sliders,
   Never coming down.

Nick Johnson, in fateful foreshadowing of his season,

 Sarah Silverman visited.

The Mets thrived on human suffering.

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