Friday, February 25, 2011

10 reasons fall of Gaddafi will help the Yankees

1. Famous Gaddafi supporter Dustin Pedroia depressed, loses focus, flops for Redsocks.

2. Arod boosted when Cameron Diaz gets bargain on Gaddafi's old miniskirts.

3. New opening for Hank Steinbrenner to make rambling, 90-minute address to U.N. Assembly

4. Renewed cries for vengeance after former aides reveal that Gaddafi ordered signing of Kei Igawa.

5. For mansion help, Jeter hires Gaddafi's newly unemployed staff of virgin Amazonian bodyguards.

6. John Sterling freed-up to describe 7th inning Little Debbie snack cakes as "Gaddafi-licious."

7. Mariano Rivera nickname lengthened to "Mo-ammar."

8. Rivera to ride in from bullpen on camel.

9. To improve interviews on "YES Center Stage," Michael Kay perfects "glazed eyes" style.

10. Whatever hallucinogens those rebel Libyan teens are taking... we get 'em.

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