Thursday, February 24, 2011

The unrelenting evil of "Glee" has linked up with the Redsock Nation

For a long time now, I figured the only positive about "Glee" was that it put to death the Disney franchise from hell known as "High School Musical." There just wasn't enough insipidness in the world for two TV musicals.

Still, I couldn't handle the idea of a weekly Fox network musical -- the early ad campaigns claimed it "taught America to sing again" -- and I blamed myself for being ornery and refusing to accept cheeriness and youth.

Now I know why I felt that way.


Listen: This was destined to happen. It had to happen. This whole show, "Glee," is uncompromsing, unrelenting evil. Consider the hell it has already unleashed upon America: "Don't Stop Believin'" is the most remembered song from the 1980s.

On our death beds, in the home, minimum wage nursing aides will be playing "Journey" songs for us, hoping to cheer us up. And it'll probably be the "Glee" soundtrack.

Yes, here is proof that there is no God: Two Glee stars -- Lea Michelle and Dianna Agron -- pimping Redsockware, like a pair of bonged-up Mily Cyrus in biker g-strings. And get this...

They want it both ways.

Just in case someone might get the wrong idea, Michele tweeted this message with the photo.

"But don't let the hat fool you though...I'm a Yankee fan all the way!!!!!!!"

Kill me. Make it fast. Just end it.

With Yankee fans like this, we must abandon hope.

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