Thursday, May 5, 2011

See What I Mean ??!!!

The Yankees go down 1-0 in the second ( it should have been more, but Freddy did a great job shutting them down, temporarily at least ), and the game is over.

No Yankee rallies. No threats. No fear. No offense.

And now, a mysterious injury, or " grabbing" ( as Joe put it and Derek denied it ) of a Derek hip.

We are old and now getting injured. Is it possible Phil Hughes is 35?

And despite another walk by Gardner, too many of our starters are lost at the plate. Lunging. Flailing. One-armed swings. Spinning heads. Knees lifting to the neck area trying to time the pitch. Pretzel hacks.

Even A-Rod looks as though he has never before seen a major league pitch. Heck, he looks like Jesus in spring training.

And once again, the dreaded, "swing at the first pitch and bounce out to second," syndrome has re-appeared. Especially when our starter has just had a long, tough inning and theirs is already up to 50 pitches in the third inning.

That kind of at bat kills us. Helps them.

It did just that the day before the latest shutout of the Yankees, and it cost us game 1.

No heart. No threat. No chance.

Tick tock.

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