Friday, October 14, 2011

10 Reasons Why the Yankees Must Sign Big Papi

1. Lock him up for next seven years to keep him from Blue Jays.

2. Will bring winning Redsock clubhouse chemistry to NY.

3. Let us keep Jesus Montero in Scranton for four years.

4. Will blossom once outside cavernous confines of Fenway.

5. Renew Yankee commitment to youth and speed.

6. Seems on verge of breakout season.

7. Form bridge to unruly Latino head cases, such as Mariano.

8. Toddlers love him!

9. Finally see how he looks without ridiculous beard.

10. Share underwear with Sabathia.


  1. Buck Foston says,

    11. Took a few years With Damon to get 27. Its worth the wait if David will give us 28. Oh wait or was that Godzilla?

  2. If the Great Leader were still alive he'd have arranged a secret deal to sign him already.


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