Friday, October 14, 2011

Open Letter to Brian Cashman: Now is the time to get John Lackey

Dear Madam or Sir.

The mob has spoken in Boston. The Redsocks are going to dump John Lackey. They can't wait to peddle his ass,  to blame him for everything. They know Josh Beckett was worse, and John Lester was just as bad, but both have Boston World Series rings: They must be treated tenderly.

But Lackey is the villain, the perfect scapegoat, the trade to be universally cheered when it happens.

Make it happen. Three-way.

Get John Lackey, and we will win the 2012 World Series. Think about it: He has nowhere else to go. He has one shot, and one shot only, at redemption: Pinstripes. He's a workhorse. They were saying his arm was hurting in July. He pitched through it. Until this year - frankly, until September - nobody in baseball had ever questioned his heart. Now, he's the poster boy for choking.

Get John Lackey, and we will have a pitcher who throws 200 innings and challenges for the Cy Young Award. We will have a pitcher who shuts down Boston and drives Redsock fans stark raving bonkers mad. We will have a player who is bound and determined to show that he is not a negative clubhouse presence, a man seeking one last chance to clear his name on the largest stage in baseball, in front of the people who have questioned his very soul.

Get John Lackey, and we win the 2012 World Championship.

Get John Lackey. Get John Lackey. Get John Lackey.

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