Sunday, October 23, 2011

Letter to the Editor: Kid to Papi... drop dead

The Boston Globe
October 21, 2011 Friday


The first book my mom and I read together was your biography. The Minnesota Twins manager was mean to you, and you were sad. You came to the Red Sox and became a star. I was your biggest fan from age 4 to 10. My mom tells me you are tired of baby-sitting the rookies. I remember when you loved doing that. She says you can't take the drama of the clubhouse. But, worst of all, she says you might want to wear pinstripes and be a Yankee now. I feel sad for you. I will pray for you at bedtime. I just turned 11. I guess I have to grow up and make Dustin Pedroia and Jacoby Ellsbury my stars. I miss the Big Papi I once knew.

Name withheld


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