Sunday, October 23, 2011

Letter to the Editor: Umps are people, too!

The Post Standard (Syracuse, NY)
October 17, 2011 Monday
To the Editor:

Is everybody sick and tired of "do the right thing" as it pertains to sports?

Athletics are officiated by human beings, and human beings do make mistakes.

A few years ago, a 12-year-old reached over the wall at Yankee Stadium and interfered with a catch by the right fielder, and the umpire right on the scene incorrectly ruled a home run. The Yankees won the game and the right to play in the World Series. Who knows if the outcome of the Yankees/Orioles would have been different. Did the Yankees say that the Orioles should be in the World Series instead of the Yanks? Of course not!

I was a sports official in three sports: baseball, basketball and football. For sure mistakes in calls were made by either me or my partners. Never was there an outcry such as is happening now. Things seem to even out in the long run. Stop crying!

Ed Huber

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