Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The NLCS is NOT an individual competition between Albert Pujols and Prince Fielder, and the winner should not assume that he will become 2012 Yankee DH

Everybody in the world knows Albert Pujols should be a Yankee. Those Somalian pirates know it. Midget love slaves in Tunesia know it. That doctor who killed Michael Jackson... He knows it. Pujols knows it, although he won’t say it publicly: He’s a Cardinal. To speak publicly about wanting to be a Yankee not only would be unfair to his current teammates, but the Yankees would see him as a potential blight upon clubhouse chemistry, and we would refrain from signing him. But everybody knows what has to happen.

Future. Yankee.

Meanwhile, Prince Fielder also knows where he truly belongs. Yankee suit. Like his dad. What, you say? He didn't got along with his dad? No sweat. Neither did the Yankees. So it’s a perfect fit. Prince should be the next Yankee DH - giving both the Yankees and the Giants key players named Prince. It has to happen.

Unless, you say, we have already signed Pujols.

Well, dammit, that kind of small market mentality belongs in – well – Milwaukee or St. Louis. Here's how it can work: Pujols bats right, Fielder bats left. There’s your DH platoon! Jesus Montero can use another year of seasoning in Scrantown, or wherever the Traveling Wilkes Barres will play this year. Let’s shake up the world, like we did in winter of 2008, Brian Cashman’s greatest moment.

Pujols AND Fielder... sign them, and we win 2012. It's that simple.

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