Saturday, June 30, 2012

I Told You So !

I predicted yesterday before Warren's start that his performance would be "disappointing."

I predicted that he would not leave the game with 8 innings of two hit ball behind him, and no more than one run yielded.  That he would not be like all the AA and AAA fill-in starters the Yankees occasionally face, who shut us down as if the Yankees were fielding a high school soft ball team.

I predicted he would go 41/3 innings and give up 5 runs.

I was wrong, and I admit it.  I was way off.

He went 2+ innings and gave up 6 runs.  A total bust.

Put him on the bus to nowhere and throw away his name plate.

 He is just another failure of our minor league system.  Where the Yankees are slipping to the worst rated player inventory ( read; minor league players ) of all the major league teams.  The truth hurts;  every time we actually let play a "touted " prospect, said prospect bombs.

Ivan Nova being the one recent exception.

But watch Phellps, and then DJ Mitchell.  They will suck again, and leave again.

The remaining two B's will be bigger busts.  That's why the Yanks don't ever bring them up.  When that bubble bursts, when the league sees how crappy they truly are, the Yankees will be seen for what they have now become.  An empty suit.

The future is bleak, particularly now that the Steinbrenners no longer even compete for foreign players who can be purchased for deflated dollars.

We are about to be swept by the White Sox.  So much for guys, " stepping up."

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