Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kuroda officially becomes a Yankee

This afternoon, he plunked Youkilis.


  1. According to Suzyn, this was the 15th time Youkilis was ever plunked by Yankee pitching. And a 15 Minute Call could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.

  2. The event caused a spike in the sale of "I BRAKE FOR YOUKLIS BEANINGS" tee shirts at the Cafe Press.

  3. Different sox, same Youk. I wonder if there isn't some kind of magnetic field around him that attracts pitches thrown by Yankees. Perhaps that would explain his repeatedly plunkings and near-plunkings. The ability to attract hard, round objects may be a mutant ability of some kind, making the big Y the first of the baseball X-Men.

    Certainly, the strange, creepy beard had helped make the mutant case, but with its disappearance, the theory has less physically identifiable credibility. Aside from yet another plunking.


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