Friday, June 1, 2012

More Reasons For Despair

I'm about 35 feet off the ground with one arm around a creaky Mexicale Nationale Telephone pole, and the other tapping out this text with my I-phone leashed to a hot wire cable, so I can't send any classy and supportive photos. However, the amature draft is near, and it is guaranteed that anyone we sign will never make it to the Yankees. Our number 1 three years back is studying horticulture at UCLA, our number one two years back can't hit .250 in the worst A-ball league, and the last kid is AWOL to all Google searches. Then, there is Andy Brackheaddick. See what I'm getting at? Of all the things the Yankees fail at, drafting amature players is at the top of the list, by an exponential factor of three. The most recent good draft pick was Derek Jeter. I guess one Derek every two decades will have to do. With all our injuries, if we had one player with any ability whatsoever, he would have been gaining experience in pinstripes. We have had to trade for 28-31 year old back-ups who hit in the .210-219 range, and are not very good defensively. Did I mention they all have average speed? I mean Russell Martin is faster than every one of them. Cash man should be sent to Syria as a negotiator for western values before he is allowed to make one remark, or approve one decision in the upcoming draft. I told you before; as our roster of aging multi-millionaires deteriorates, we can look forward to no home grown talent. All we can do is spend more millions for the next contract of Albert Pujols and others like him. Seriously, the Yankees will be the Yankees of the early 70's perhaps for our lifetimes. Watch the olympics, or come on down here and try out for our South Mexican Dirt Field team. Physical condition notwithstanding. Bring your own glove.

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