Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Was Girardi Watching?

So it is the bottom of the 5th and we are up 3-0.

The phantom double over third base is called back and, instead of a White Sock on second with no out, we have one out and no one on.

Freddy is already at 95 pitches in the Chicago sun.

The next guy gets a hit.

The next guy goes yard and the game stands at 3-2.

The next guy gets a hit.

Excuse me, Joe, what the frig are you doing?  Giving an interview on tv?

It's so important to let Freddy get 5 innings under his belt for an unlikely win that you leave him in when he is clearly spent, can't throw strikes, has lost his good stuff ( 76 mph ), and is getting hammered?

Joe has done that more than once this year.

I would have pulled Freddy the moment he gave up the first legit hit there in the fifth.  It was almost 100 pitches by then.

On the other hand, it isn't going to matter.

This team ( look at the line-up ) isn't going to win a lot more games.

If we don't hit 4 homers, and we can't get to Soriano, we are going down early and often.

Maybe Joba needs a second midge attack to reverse the bad ju-ju from the first one.  He is clearly nothing at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Girardi is the new Torre.

    Torre was the old Torre, but the old Pinella didn't like pitchers even more.

    Pinella was the new Houk, by the way. Yogi is and always has been the new Yogi, even when he was the old Yogi, although Whitey was always the new Ruffing.

    Joe has it all in his little book of charts and stats. That's how he knows what to do.


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