Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mike Francesa Announces Da New Pope


  1. Billy Bob Wifebeater, Polecat, AlabamaMarch 13, 2013 at 11:55 PM

    Hey there, Big City Mike. Them there furren names gotcher fancy New York underwear in a tangle? Don't want ya to feel bad but Skeeter, Gator and I had no problem pronounin' that Spanish name. Seems like YOU are the backwoodsy ignernt one. Betchya can't even pronounce your own last name right! You one dum punkin, Big City Mike!

  2. Holy Cow! Mr. Francesa, please note that "Bergoglio" is an ITALIAN name. Be advised that the Pope can pronounce your surname. Do you even speak Italian? Do you know where Italy is located? After your utterly stupid performance on WFAN one would hope that every single respectable Italian restaurant in the NYC metro area would refuse to serve you. Maybe you ought to rent the Godfather Trilogy, or something.


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