Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Turncoat Connecticut Governor is the Youkilis of politicians

Gov. Daniel Malloy - so-called Yankee fan - puts on a Redsock jersey.

They're laughing in the Kremlin.

For the record:

According to an April 2012 Quinnipiac University Poll, Yankee fans top Red Sox fans 43 to 38 percent in Connecticut. Over the past decade of polling baseball fans, Yankees have always topped the Red Sox as Connecticut’s favorite team, except for 2008 when they split 41-40.


  1. in 2008, they did not count the votes of anyone from either Fairfield or Litchfield counties.

    We had to wait in line for hours, and they closed many of the voting booths when it became our turn.

    No weiners or Kool-ade were served and the sun was 100 degrees.

    It was a fascist state at the time.

    Supporting those horrible red socks fans is un-American.

    I will pee on all such license plates

    The truth is, everyone detests the Red Socks.

  2. President James MadisonMarch 19, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    Treachery is endemic in Connecticut in particular, New England in general. Remember that in America's darkest hour, the War of 1812, with Washington DC burning and in British hands, the New England states set about seceding from the Union. Don't blame South Carolina just yet- it was only following Connecticut's precedent. New England "Patriots"? Hardly!-- "Hartford Convention, Dec. 15, 1814–Jan. 4, 1815, meeting to consider the problems of New England in the War of 1812 the armed conflict between the United States and Great Britain, 1812–15; held at Hartford, Conn.
    [New England] had opposed the Embargo Act of 1807 and other government measures; many of them continued to oppose the government after fighting had begun. Although manufacturing (fostered by isolation) and contraband trade brought wealth to the section, "Mr. Madison's War" (as the Federalists called the War of 1812) and its expenses became steadily more repugnant to the New Englanders. The Federalist leaders encouraged disaffection. The New England states refused to surrender their militia to national service. When New England was threatened with invasion in 1814, the federal loan of 1814 got almost no support in New England, despite prosperity there. Instead, New England, Boston Red Sox fans in particular, contemplated a separate peace between New England and Great Britain. Finally, in Oct., 1814, the Massachusetts legislature issued a call to the other New England states for a conference. Representatives were sent by the state legislatures of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; other delegates from New Hampshire and Vermont were popularly chosen by the Federalists. The meetings were held in secret. The moderates prevailed in the convention. The proposal to secede from the Union was discussed and rejected, the grievances of New England were reviewed, and such matters as the use of the militia were thrashed out, and Bobby Valentine sacked. The final report (Jan. 5, 1815) arraigned Madison's administration and the war and proposed several constitutional amendments that would redress what the New Englanders considered the unfair advantage given the South under the Constitution. The news of the Treaty of Ghent ending the war and of Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans made any recommendation of the convention a dead letter. Its importance, however, was twofold: It continued the view of states' rights as the refuge of sectional groups, and it sealed the destruction of the Federalist party, which never regained its lost prestige." RIP Red Sux

  3. Alphonso was funnier, but Jimbo Madison was highly educational. I didn't know Valentine was so old, that was a surprise.

    We should all raise a stiff drink to Jeter's stiff ankle. Wonder what happens if Cano, Gardy and Ichi are the only starters who start the season? That would be interesting.


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