Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mental note

Write this down:

Next time I run off the rails, shoot me.

But don't call me "Dzhokhar."

(This is not the post that generated the ensuing comments.)


  1. Yeah about right - you have a great site and satire, lampoon and black humor are great.
    This comment is what a person would expect of a MFY fan.
    Well done and great you brought it down to the mental level of your typical fanbase.
    It is what one would expect.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I put up a comment, but thought twice and deleted it. It was honest, but unkind, written in the heat of the moment, and too easily taken as an insult to the suffering of the injured.

    It was insulting to Boston in general, and deservedly so. But real people were really hurt, and better not to add fuel to the fire of Sox fan ire.


  4. No please... let's not "honor" anyone who did such terrible damage to so many people.

  5. i live in boston and I am a yankee fan i moved up here to work at one of the area hospitals. I saw first hand what this guy did to peoples lives. This is one of my favorite blogs but this post if fucked up. Please remove it.

    Rise above the petty bullshit both teams are projected to suck this year but there are people who will never walk again and never see their loved ones again because of this clown.

  6. John C. Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme CourtApril 22, 2013 at 12:13 AM

    Leave the post as it is. Last time I looked this kind of comment was still protected under the Constitution. And the Constitution, not your notion of good taste, is "supreme".

  7. How about let's not and forget about even saying we did.. What a bonehead post.

  8. Hey Ben Dover:
    I clicked on your link, I didn't see the tshirt that made fun of 9/11 of the people killed.
    Would you kindly find that tshirt/bumpersticker?

  9. OK, look... here's the original post... I'm putting it up only because I don't want people imagining what it might have said. It was a throwaway.

    "Next time a Yankee pitcher shuts down Boston, we should start calling him Dzhokhar."


    (By the way, we would NEVER use such a nickname, in part because it would require me to always have to look up the spelling of Dzhokhar.)

  10. Seeing the original post again, I amend my commentary.

    It's really, really, really, really good. Dark, of questionable taste, but funny. Better than Gilbert Gottfried's 9/11 joke at the Friar's Club roast not long after 9/11.

    Sensitive souls will need smelling salts, but it is no comment at all on the bombing or the suffering caused by it. It is exactly what it is, and it is funny. And I also see a tweak at the incredible overreaction following this horrible event, though I do not put that on Duque, just on my perception.

    A dumb 19 year old kid on the lam shuts down an entire American city? Really? Good thing the terrorists didn't win, because I'd hate to see what that looks like.

    Oh, wait, that would be all of the Bush-Cheney years following 9/11. That's what it looks like. Still kind of looks that way now, in fact.

    Forgot there for a second.

  11. no anonymous,
    there are no such tshirt/bumperstickers, but the sentiments expressed there are pretty vicious and if you ask me in the pennant race of which fans are more vicious sox fans get a slight edge.
    It's amazing how people can suddenly see themselves as godfearing good folk after spewing forth a lifetime of hate.
    Do I think El Duque was wrong in posting that? Yes. Your comment about his fanbase? You obviously don't understand that the folks who follow this site are not of the lunatic fringe. Well, maybe the people that like Alphonso are.

  12. Enough. Can't you see what the terrorists wanted? For our unity to be broken. We're playing into their hands.

  13. Buncha fags - all of ya.

  14. To tell the truth, the Bosox-Yankee trash talking has gone way down in the last 20 years at the Stadium. I have not seen a good fist fight since 1998 or so. High prices and the YES network has taken their toll.

    I have to admit the politics on this site are off-putting but when they get down to pure Yankee blogging and Juju, it's the best bog on the inter-webs!

  15. They come for the bullshit but don't buy the smell!

  16. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here. Now a poem about Pronk's bunt... That would truly be controversial.

  17. Hey, we are taking applications, even if yooz are a buncha fags.

  18. Philadelphia Phillies (8936-9960 W-L, 1890 - 2013) - 2 World Championships, 7 Pennants, and 14 Playoff Appearances

    New York Yankees (9020-6588 W-L, 1913 - 2013) - 27 World Championships, 40 Pennants, and 51 Playoff Appearances

  19. What the gentleman who works at the hospital said makes a lot of sense. Good for you, and thanks for helping those folks. But, there is something obscene about people who voted for Reagan or either Bush waving Old Glory and condemning terrorism. What Reagan did to the people of Central and South America was horrific beyond belief. He backed state-sponsored terrorism as savage as anything Stalin or Mao did. George I and George II also have innocent blood on their hands. Need I mention Nixon and southeast Asia? So, conservatives, we join you in decrying violence against innocent people. But don't wave the flag because you do not deserve to. You were and are part of the problem. That accounts for our dark humor. We have to live in the same country as you and we are too faithful to the rule of law to put you in the labor camps you deserve to be in.

  20. To be clear, if you voted for a Republican presidential candidate in the last 30 years, you are a sponsor of terrorism. Plain and simple.

  21. Well, no way I can top that. The anonymous man/woman/other has a point.

  22. I'd like to point out, the above post by Anonymous with an MSNBC IP address is a completely different Anonymous than myself. It is also an entirely different than the Anonymous we call three quarters of the infield.

  23. So you're the "Anonymous" in name only.

  24. I'm betting the guy with the MSNBC address is Keith Olbermann.

    Big Yankee fan, you know.

  25. joe de pastry, who wants to fuck sarah silvermanApril 23, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    If you were outraged by the original post grow a thicker skin.
    We are turning into a bunch of wimps. Just because something is in bad taste doesn't mean it's not funny or shouldn't be said.


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