Sunday, April 21, 2013

The beauty of journeymen is that they have a lot of vendetta lists

Sometime this season, Nick Swisher will beat us. We know this. It always happens: The ex-Yankee has a big day against us. The tradition extends back far before Reggie, the Angel, clubbed his HR, prompting the Yankee Stadium crowd to chant "Steinbrenner sucks." Probably, Wally Pipp beat in a some game. John simply calls them, "our old friend," whether it's Benny Ayala or Bobby Abreu. You can't predict baseball - (?) - but John knows what's going to happen.

Well, this year, all that time spent picking through the slag pile has turned up something we overlooked in the past: Vengeance.

Look at Vernon Wells in Toronto, where some of the fans hate him. (Keep in mind, they hate him because of his big contract; they're taking the side of the billionaire owner, which gave him that contract. That's a small market mentality, which Yankee fans must always fight; in fact, all fans should reject it.) Personally, I can't wait to see what Vernon has in store for the Angels, who traded him for a handful of magic beans.

Youkilis has unfinished business with the Redsocks and White Sox. But the real prize winner in terms the Bruce Willis-style vendetta sweepstakes could bes Lyle Overbay. Look at all the teams he's played for (as shown on his Baseball Reference page.) For those of you scoring at home, it's: Blue Jays, Brewers, Diamondbacks, Pirates and Braves. Good grief, if all Lyle does is hit well against former team, he could be an all-star.

And let's not forget Ben Francisco: Indians, Phillies, Astros, Blue Jays and Rays.

Of course, we fear the wheels are destined to fall off this team - (too much age, not enough young blood; Cashman is not trying to build a rope bridge to July... but to 2015.) Nevertheless, we can exact revenge on former lovers! Eat this, Toronto! (And let's walk Melky today whenever he comes to bat.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for presenting a case where sabermetrics does not apply. You won't see Vernon Wells tip his cap at the Oakland Coliseum. No, that was his way of affirming that he's still got some pop, and the Blue Jays organization ought to know that. Same thing with Eric Chavez coming to the plate, with runners in scoring position, at Yankee Stadium. Not limited to ballplayers, either. Don't you enjoy showing up your former employer? Nothing statistical about it.


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