Sunday, May 26, 2013

Early Report From The 2013 'It Is High' Memorial Day Weekend Summit

Alphonso, El Duque and I gathered this weekend with friends and family to watch the last two games of the Tampa series.  After the jump: my account. 
Refreshments Consumed (Partial List):
  • Entenmann's Donuts.
  • Country Treats® Glazed Yeast Rings (Pictured).
  • Royal Crown Black (Note: the whiskey, not the cola).
  • Some kind of scotch.
  • Some kind of vodka.
  • Heineken from a giant can.
  • Pabst Blue Ribbon.
  • This horrible light beer.
  • Other beer.
  • Wine, one bottle, consumed in minutes by one person.
  • Soft drinks.
  • Hot dogs.
  • Cheeseburgers.
  • A few probably excellent side dishes I didn't even look at because I so desperately needed a cheeseburger.
  • Pop Secret®.
  • Several outstanding cheeses with two kinds of terrible crackers (Note: I brought the crackers).
  • A frozen pizza that was surprisingly pretty good.
  • These weird candies from a plain white bag that were--and my memory is fuzzy on this--licorice squares stacked with candy squares that weren't licorice.
  • I know I'm forgetting something.

Things Said (Partial List):
  • "If he hits into a double play, let's do a shot."--Alphonso 
  • "I'll bet Suzyn's recording her pre-game interview right now." -- El Duque
  • "He's going to strike out." --Alphonso (Note: he did.)
  • "John Sterling is a consummate professional!"--El Duque 
  • "I admit I really fucked up getting those crackers."--Me

Yankees Mocked (Partial List):

  • Ichiro
  • Huff
  • Youkilis
  • C.C.
  • Teix
  • Joba
  • Romine
  • Hughes

Regrets (Partial List):
  • Being completely sober for Sunday's tedious loss, and barely sensate for Saturday's dramatic win.
  • The crackers.


                                  1. B..b...ben francisco? designated for assignment?


                                  2. You are now the official Recording Secretary of IIHIIFIIc.

                                  3. I think you captured the moment.


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