Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Building the perfect beast

To unite America, A-Rod needs to date Miley Cyrus.


  1. Judging from what I saw, she could use some PEDs...

  2. I'm going to say this plain as I know how, and you can mark down I said it.

    AROD will win the arbitration.

  3. I hate you Mustang!

  4. A-Rod wins arbitration.. Think of the horror on the steinspawn collective puss. all those $$ out the door in A-Rod's pocket. Plus, poor Bud loses his scapegoat and we get another year of a half-decent 3B. I like it.

  5. Nostradamus of the BronxAugust 28, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    A-Rod wins the arbitration and at a deadlocked GOP convention accepts the Republican nomination for President. He chooses Miley Cyrus as his "running mate" (rowf!). The ensuing campaign becomes a competition for the crucial Yankee fan vote as Yankee fan Hilary Clinton enlists Curtis Granderson as her vice presidential candidate. You heard it here first.


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