Saturday, September 14, 2013


  1. Plenty of seats available! C'mon down and get a bobblehead! $11 beer? Hello? Anybody out there?

  2. Curtis Granderson, Yankee outfielder,September 14, 2013 at 11:02 PM

    Dear IIHIIF bloggers: Please accept my deepest thanks for the great honor of being featured in banner of your esteemed website/blogsite. Only three Yankees have been thus recognized: Derek Jeter, Brett Gardner, and Ichiro Suzuki. Although I will be somewhat chagrined to don the uniform of the Tigers, Orioles or Red Sox next year, the fans of New York have been supportive and gracious (except for those games when I struck out three or more times). Farewell, noble IIHIIF bloggers! I'd also like to announce at this time that as a New York resident I am forming an exploratory committee to run as a candidate for Congress here in the Empire State. Thank you.


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