Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Game 2 of the new reality


  1. No! It's not over yet. If we win all our remaining games and Cleveland loses all their.... and.. and....

    Oh, WTF. It's over. Alphonso, you can come out now.

    Anon, please dress me down. I really deserve it.

  2. Duque; Be sure to save this banner headline, and add one that says," meaningless game today'" because you can use it all next season, beginning on day one.

  3. If you sycophants believe that placing my name in the header, along with a marginal link to my most extensive thread, will mollify me, you are mistaken. I am not surprised, however, at such honors. Perhaps you've come to recognize my righteousness.

  4. garden-variety Yankee fanSeptember 25, 2013 at 11:35 PM

    It's commendable that this blog is democratic and that anyone who wishes to voice an opinion may do so. But, asking those who manage the blog, is it such a good idea to egg on compulsively abusive contributors? Sure, let them have their say. But showcase them? Maybe it is because it is the end of a dismal season, but the keepers of this blog seem to have become masochists. Maybe that is why a lot of longtime participants have disappeared recently, as has been noted. Just an opinion.

  5. Anonymous, have you no shame, circling this decrepit Yankees franchise like a vulture??

    The "good news" however, is that Pronk was activated today, just in time for the first meaningless Yankee home game in quite some time (according to RAB).

    I know others shared the same act of humiliation this season, walking up River Ave, past the Pukilis "poster," before and after each game. To think that we paid him, a known Boston agent, $14 million... it still reeks of inscrutable, treacherous juju.

  6. Just because you see a post with the heading Anonymous, you can't assume that it comes from the person you think it comes from. Just when you think that these guys have exhausted all their diversionary energies on the Yankees, they decide to obsess about me, even to the extent of posting fake comments in my "name." What a waste of bandwidth. If I'm so misguided, why waste time on me? They are moths circling the flame.

    Go on with your Yankee chatter. I won't disturb you.

  7. Headline for September 30, 2014

    "Fans swarm gates for David Adams Bobblehead Doll"

  8. Hermodorus, That Pukilis poster is such an insult. It should immediately be destroyed in some ritualistic manner, to appease the JuJu gods. That thing could not have been pleasing to them.

    Maybe I'll see Youk at 3B tonight. We'd been told that he'd be back this September to "help" the team. Where is he? I don't even see him suited up and in the dugout, like Tex. Of course, he may be in there but the cameraman avoids him, to preserve his equipment, no doubt.

  9. We need new players, new coaches, a new manager, a new front office and, most importantly, new owners. Someone who can come in like George did and be a rich, free-spending asshole. His kids and extended family are really just entitled ding dongs who don't know how to run or assemble a team. They're the CBS of their era.

    Reggie looks in pretty good shape. DH?


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