Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Picture Of A Thousand Words.....

This is a photographic summary of the talent Brian Cashman has assembled in the most extensive farm system in baseball ( we have 2 "A" ball teams in florida ):

Cashman must be dumped.

He has to be a Republican because he is constantly rewarded for failure.

There is no accountability in his work or his life.


  1. Well said El Duque, short, sweet, and100000000 % accurate! IIHIIFGIIC has been my ONLY consolation this year, BLESS YOU my friend, and the good hearted souls who contribute to this site!

  2. Agreed/ Ken is right about this blog making an otherwise miserable year way more entertaining, and Duque is right that Cashman and his overlords are idiots who should all be jettisoned.

  3. Even if Cashman is fired, how likely is it that the Steinbrenners would hire a competent replacement? And what about the scouting staff? The coaching staff extending down to the low minors? The whole organization is infected with ineptitude because the organizational ethos is that of the mafia social club: employment is the reward of groveling to the boss, not competence--why else do you think the insufferable Sterling and Kay and Waldman occupy their positions of prominence?

    Nothing essential will change unless the Steinbrenners sell the team. The last time the Yankees were this deep in shit, they rebounded only because George was quarantined long enough for Buck and Stick to rebuild with a core of young talent--most of whom George was intent on trading at some point (yes, he had to be dissuaded from trading Bernie, Jorge, Mariano, and Pettitte at various times, and no doubt would have had be had free rein).

    Even with Cashman gone, it will be musical chairs of incompetents as long as Hank and Hal are calling the shots.

  4. Just for clarification; the underlying assumption is that Cashman, and the entire staff for whom he is responsible, must be jettisoned.

    He clearly hires and pays the dolts who assess and pretend to develop talent.

  5. Alphonso--clarification taken. But why would you assume that his successor will be an improvement when the top "deciders" in the organization--the Steinbrenner dolts--will make that choice? And why do you think they would give him free rein to make sound baseball decisions any more than they have with any previous GM? It's hopeless as long as they own the team.

  6. A fair point. It just doesn't seem possible that the Steindolts would ever sell. The franchise is still an ATM to them.


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