Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The true Yankee bobbleheads are in the front office

You've probably already heard about last night's  Mariano Bobblehead fiasco, though at times, it's hard to keep all the latest Yankee fiascoes straight.

Fans were supposed to receive Mariano Bobbleheads, but the team didn't have them, so folks were handed slips of paper and told to return later, creating long lines during the game, and - frankly - why would the Yankees care about dumb fans who should know better than to attend a game when the team and front office aren't even planning to show up?

The Steinbrenner-Swindell-Lopez trust fund party boaters have now steered the Yankee barge for six years. They financed one championship on the backs of a brand new stadium and a tide of political gifts worthy of a Middle East dictatorship. Ever since, they've tenaciously clutched pennies while tossing dimes into the abyss. We jettisoned AJ Burnett to make way for the great Michael Pineda. We ditched Nick Swisher because Ichiro Suzuki was in the house. We so seamlessly switched from Andrew Jones to Vernon Wells that I barely remember the move. And after each move, we congratulated ourselves for being smarter than everyone else. Now, our listing, $229 million pontoon will miss the playoffs - second time in six years - and 2014 looks like yet another nausea of free agents past their sell date, which is exactly how we got into this mess.

Instead of young players, we'll receive slips of paper promising something in the future, maybe 2015. The players change, but the bobbleheads remain.

Last night, now and then, I tuned into the game. I had to laugh. Down by three in the first. Then down by five. Then we waste the bases loaded. Finally down by seven and nobody in the stadium. Yes, I'll say it: I loved it; I wanted us to be shutout, to be booed and humiliated, and I reveled in the dark blue of every empty seat.

The record shows that when the chips were down, we lost 7 of 10.

We had our shot, and we lost 7 of 10.

Mark my words: One of these days, the bobbleheads will be there, but nobody will wait in line to receive them.


  1. I'm still going in for the final home game tomorrow. Last chance in my life to see Mo even though I'm sure he won't be saving the game. He'll be in Center Field, top of the ninth.

  2. This is the first year in 28 that I didn't go to the Stadium at least once. It's just been too ugly, and before that it was too cold.

    I was thinking of joining you, KD, but some friends are tending bar in a Times Square joint to raise money for their athletic pursuits. Which, all things considered, are more successful than the Yankees' this year.

    This last week-plus has been an embarrassment. Good God, ven Anonymous has actually sounded accurate in his effusive negativity.

  3. Next year, John, when the beers are $11. First one will be on me!

    Anon can make some good points when he's not foaming at the mouth in attack mode. He vilifies me for believing that the so-called PEDs can have therapeutic value for rehabbing from injury. Prolonged, chronic abuse of these drugs distorts the game but guys do deserve a chance to use modern medicine to heal injury, perhaps only when on the DL. The list of therapeutics not available 75 years ago is long. Should they all be banned?

  4. As for "foaming at the mouth"--I never initiated a personal attack on anyone--I merely responded in kind when attacked first--you can check the record on this. And you, KD, were one of the worst attack dogs in the bunch and remain so, with your vitrio about "foaming at the mouth," etc.--you just can't seem to contain your bitterness and spite--so you'd be best off not digging a hole of hypocrisy any deeper by mouthing your nauseating sanctimony on the subject of polemical decorum, which you observe mostly in the breach, like your wolfpack brethren.

    As for PEDs--you never made a rational argument about the legitimate therapeutic use of PEDs. I defy you to quote any such post addressed to me from any thread. You spewed lazy nastiness about "PED purists," and that was the extent of your so-called rational discourse. Nice ass-covering revisionism on your part!

    No one has ever disputed the legitimacy of pharmaceutical treatment on injury under licensed medical prescription. You're simply raising a red herring here to justify your apologetics for the illegal, extracurricular body-building abuse of various drugs as exemplified by the career of your man crush Andy Pettitte

    Do you really think anyone is interested in your strenuous efforts at self-extenuation and your continued spews of invective?

    Why not just stick to the subject and try having a rational discussion for a change--you are one of the worst provocateurs on this group, and one of the least compelling intellectually.

  5. Your dear old friend, Jean PiagetSeptember 26, 2013 at 12:14 AM

    But what do you REALLY think, Anon? Be candid about your feelings. We are certainly capable of being empathetic.

  6. Here are my feelings: you are not funny. That should be your new moniker: "Not Funny." Or maybe "Not Very Bright." Or "Have Nothing to Say." Or "No Better Use for Time Than to Ply Flame War on Internet." Or, most concisely, "Loser"--just like your favorite team!


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