Friday, September 27, 2013

I Think Robbie Cano Is Under Selling Himself

So Robbie and his agent have opened the bidding at $310 million for 10 years.

Seems reasonable, right?

I mean, isn't everyone delighted with the way A-Rod's financials and contributions on the field have added to the Yankees' success?

Robbie is far more dependable than A-Rod, so this seems a no brainer.

Robbie will only be 40-41 when this new deal expires.  And he is already a great role model for all our non-prospects ( and will be for legitimate prospects, should we ever have one ).

So I believe he and his agent are cheating themselves.   Robbie may even want to change agents over this.

In fact, I think he should double down;  $620 million for 20 years.

That way, an entire generation of Yankee fans can be confident that we will always have a star at second base.

And can you imagine the fire, the energy, and the hustle we'll get from Robbie once he knows $620 big ones are due him, regardless of performance?

As long as the Yankees don't have a debt limit, this is doable.

We can always ask Congress to help out if the financials get tricky.

Show us some courage, Robbie. Go for it.

 Because you are worth it.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the funnier Cano posts I've read.


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