Wednesday, September 4, 2013

John goes crazy, explodes for 7.42 second WinWarble in Yankees "greatest comeback of the year."

Nobody sits down and conceives a great WinWarble.  If you think too much, your diaphragm tightens, the chords strain, and -- around the 6.40-second mark, the Heartbreak Hill of Sterl Hurls - your lungs simply fail, leaving the world with what sounds like a routine win over Houston.

No, the great Warbles must rise up from the soul, lighting the abyss, dazzling the Yankiverse, restoring hope to hungry children and bringing peace to the flock. It must appear out of nowhere, like a lone dove fluttering across a troubled ocean, welcoming a Christopher Columbus to his New World. The great WinWarbles are like paintings, which hang in the air forever, offering a message of truth: The Yankees have won.

In what could be his final month as the Legendary Radio Voice of the New York Yankees, John Sterling last night uncorked a 7.42-second warble, christening what he called "the greatest comeback of the year...

"I don't mean because of runs," he said. "I mean because of the situation, how late in the game, there was one out, no one on, they were dead in the water, and they scored five runs. Imagine how that helps a team's confidence."

Imagine how it helps an announcer's psyche. Listen, and you'll hear Sterling push his "THUH" hard, then step back and take his deep breath, then speaketh the two most beloved words in the language: YANKEES... WIN.

Last night, The Master sent us a message. He's all in on the Yankee comeback. If this team makes the playoffs, he will bring the lungs.

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