Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Will Mariano, Jeet, get the Gatorade treatment?

Last night, as he was being interviewed by Meredith Marakovits, Eduardo Nunez suddenly shrieked like a Creed fan on Molly. It was a scream of pure joy. Brett Gardner was unloading a plastic cooler of Gatorade onto the "Your-Name-Here Star of the Game."

Over the last month, the Yankiverse has watched several players receive Gator baths, a miniature tradition that has given great moments for everyone, except maybe Marakovits, who always catches collateral damage.

Several times, Mariano Rivera could have been that post-game star. And let's face it, in the final days of this mystery season, he must be that person, at least once. Which raises a question:

If the Yankees win a big game, would Mariano get drenched?

Likewise, would Andy or Arod or the Captain - the Mt. Rushmore faces of the team - receive such treatment?

First, let's dismiss one aspect of this debate: None of the Yankee elders seems to act above the notion of getting dunked. Arod, who needs all the friends he can get, couldn't complain. Nor would the others. From this vantage point, they seem not only like great stars but great teammates.  (OK, I'm overstating Arod's legacy, but stay with me, I'm on a roll.)

What player decides it's time to pour a bucket of slop over the great Mariano Rivera? 

What is the debate that ends with, "There's the greatest relief pitcher in history, in his final outing, let's douse him!"

Listen: Mariano is old. Shock him with ice-water,  he might tweak a gonad. 

Still, it needs to happen. 

For starters, this only applies if we're still in a race. If we fall out, forget it. And it must come in the right moment - which means the Yankees must rise.

This year, every city in the American League honored Mariano. Soon, the Yankees will do it with a special day of dignitaries and crapola. But the team - the organization - always owed him more than a free car and a Sunday afternoon. They owe him a final pennant race.  They owe him a great victory in late September, a game to be added to the pantheon of memories. They owe him a moment - one incredible one - when we watch Mr. Rivera in the joyful surf of a victory bath. 

And Jeter, and Andy, and even Arod. 

This weekend, against Boston, we need to make it rain.


  1. During the reign of pie, did Mo ever get any?

  2. I don't believe so, but the pies were reserved for walkoff hits. The Gatorade baths seem to be evolving into the Meredith post-game interviewee.

  3. If nobody will douse Mo due to reverence, then give the job to Joba, who sees Mo as just another authority figure trying to cramp his style. Maybe Mo'd turn around, see who did it, and kick Joba in the nuts. I'd pay to see that.

  4. I bet the Gatorade would part 3" away from his holy embodiment. Does Mo even sweat ?

  5. Who's filling in for Suzyn this year?

  6. During the "reign of pie", every time Burnett did that, I would say to the television: "That's great, AJ. Howsa 'bout throwing a few strikes instead.?"

  7. CJ Nitkowski is filling in for Suzyn tonight.


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