Friday, December 6, 2013

Man-Rod: TV station mixes up two great Yankee icons, Nelson Mandela and Alex Rodriguez

This is the best reason to watch local TV news anymore: the chance to catch a howler.  This is WDIV in Detroit, remembering whazizname, that South African guy, the juicer, the one who was imprisoned, then played for the Yankees, got out and ran the country, and then got banned by Bud Selig. 


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  3. Robinson Cano's career just died, too. He signed for ten years and $240 million with the Mariners.

    Can I be declared your breaking news guy? Your Sweeny Murti? Just don't fall asleep on me.

  4. Imagine the stats N-Mand could have put up if he hadn't lost his prime years in prison. The fact that he was still legging out grounders into his 80's was astounding. Cano, may he rot in hell, could have taken a lesson from him. I'll never forget when he caught the final out of the 96 world series. Still my favorite call of all time.

    "Mandela has room, Mandela MAKES THE CATCH! YANKEES WIN! THUUUH YANKEES WIN!" - The Master


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