Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Little To Bank ON

It is really cool that YES is broadcasting games from Tampa.  I can sit at a bar in my basement, suck down crown royals, snarf jalepena pickled eggs and cram popcorn into my mouth, without getting pissed off at a single fan.

I loved watching that AAA pick-up, Dean Anna, with the .410 on-base percentage strike out twice in a row.  Guess he left some of the magic back on the coast.

Also, who is that guy Yangurla, and what if he goes 28-30? Does he get a shot?  Sure he does;  at Scranton.  We would rather keep Ichiro to kill rallies.

I still like the Murphy kid, whatever he wants to call himself.  And Almonte should be considered seriously for a spot.

Anyone want to comment on LaRoux?  He has been lights out in the two outings I watched.

No shot.  I know.  Scranton or Trenton to wither.

I am starting an amber alert on Tyler Austin and Slade Heathcott.

Gary Sanchez can also strike out with the best of them.

Lucky we got the bald guy.


  1. Why keep Ichiro? He can be easily replaced with a youngster. You know, someone with some potential. What is Ichiro worth? His bottom line potential has to be diminished with the signing of Tanaka. Asian fans will tune in whether or not Ichiro is on the team. I do expect the Yankees to trade Ichiro for whatever they can get. Or released, one or the other.

  2. Jeepers creepers and holy h-e-double hockey sticks. From the way people talk around here you'd think Ichiro was in a wheelchair and his throwing arm had fallen off.

    Look, the man is way past his prime, but that was some prime. He's old now, but he can still give us above average defense. He still has a rocket for an arm throwing out of right field. And, although everybody around never ever ever EVER talks about it (but me, and I'm getting really tired of always having to bring it up), Ich hit pretty darn well against left-handed pitching last year. The fact that Girardi preferred to play him against righties (moron) and had some kind of mancrush on Vernon against lefties (disaster) is not Ichiro's fault.

    Look, if Ichiro had been used properly last year, he'd have been a lefty on lefty platoon guy, keeping opponents from taking the extra base while catching more balls than Swisher could, and batting close to .300, if not at .300.

    Yeah, a washout. Kill him. Trade him. We don't need that. Let's put Beltran out there and get a consistent .265 combined lefty/righty plus bad legs going for us.

  3. John, your devotion to Ichiro is heart-felt and touching. I too have (mostly) enjoyed watching Ichiro play for the last couple of years. seen the great defense, speed, and even a few nice dingers. Plus, the guy even seems like a good Yankee, although he can never truly become one.

    it's been fun but isn't it time to give that important bench spot to some kid like Almonte?

  4. Sure.

    Just saying. The man deserves some respect for what he's done and what he can still do. As opposed to, say, Girardi, in regards to how he uses him.

    Ichiro is going through his Sgt. Pepper's's getting very near the end. But he's not the pariah stumblebum he's made out to be. If it comes to a trade, hopefully some other team will realize that and we'll get someone decent in return.


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