Monday, March 3, 2014

What I've Observed

I have now seen two complete games on the YES network.   Maybe three.

I have observed the following:

1.  Corbin Joseph has been our toughest out.  He has had good, tough at bats.  He is now playing FB in a desperate attempt to have back-up value.

2.  Austine Romine's offensive debut consisted of standing at the plate and watching three strikes go by.         Great eye there Austin.

3.  While everyone has put away any concerns about Derek's ability to run ( ankle, muscles, etc ), I have observed a pretty slow guy busting it to first base.  He may just smack into a ton of double plays.

4.  Ryan Joseph Murphy?  Ryan James Murphy?  He has been pretty good in his at bats and also looks decent catching.  His mother didn't like the handle, "RJ." No matter; if he is good will will surely trade him.  And he is in that historic photo with Mariano.  Worth a career.

5.  Francisco is, for sure, our number two catcher this year.  Until he gets injured ( let's cut him a break this year, okay baseball diety? ).

6.  I have only seen Derek and Gardy play, amongst all the " big names" ; the Beltrans, that Red Sox guy, Tex, etc. Ichiro still looks like he will never walk, and is a slap hitter whose biggest threat is the infield single.

7.  Some infielder from San Diego made a great play.  Then booted a routine grounder, just like
Nunez ( no sign of him either ).

8.  Mason Williams looks decent in CF, but he can't hit at all.  Biggest offensive punch in two games was a dribbler to the mound for a double play.

9.  Where is Tyler Austin?  Where is Slade?

10.  Finally saw what's his name ( the switch hitting OF who had a great off season in Venezuela, and hit about .275 for the Yanks for a month or so last season ) but he did dick, hitting once from the left side.

11.  Some no name has two home runs already.

12.  The Pineda thing ( pitching two innings in a SIM game ) is ominous.  I still say;  he doesn't pitch for the Yankees.

13.  Bettances has a good line, so far.  But he doesn't strike guys out.  They hit him hard.  I say he fails.

Yanks are on again today at 1pm if you get YES.


  1. Mason Williams had a hit with 'Classical Gas' and used to show up on the Glen Campbell Show, as I recall. As for Slade, they never really cracked the US, but in the early 70s they sold records like crazy in the UK.

    Isn't Ryan Joseph Murphy or Ryan Dwayne Murphy or whatever his name is one of those guys who plays acoustic guitar and sings alt country?

    You mention 'the Beltrans', I didn't think anyone else had heard of them. For about 10 minutes in the late 70s, they were the greatest band in the world, if you liked that kind of thing. Sort of similar to The Archies on quaaludes with a toke of Tibetan temple acquired taste.

    'I have only seen Derek and Gardy play'--this had me scratching my noggin, but no doubt you're taunting us with some obscure reference to 'See Emily Play' by Pink Floyd, back when Syd was still leading the band. Wild tune, crazy break. Bowie's cover version from 'Pinups' fit in with the rest of the album and was good, but the original is great.

    The rest of the names on your list were sometimes vaguely familiar, but I can't say I'm that familiar with them. When you say Austine Romine, are you sure you don't mean Patty Austin? Never cared for the music, but she has an excellent voice.

    Speaking of Austins, Tyler Austin Lee Band is the full name. You can listen to some tunes of theirs on ReverbNation, Hard-rocking kids with that old-time Stevie Ray-meets-Foghat-meets-garage band-on-mellow-speed (you know, like yellowjackets or maybe robin eggs) feel. It's OK, makes me tap my toes. Catchy guitar licks.

    Didn't know you were into so much music, Alphonso, but it's good to have a hobby these days if you're a Yankees fan.

  2. That was Michael Martin Murphy...

  3. You mean Michael Murphy who sang 'Geronimo's Cadillac'?

  4. Yes, he came to campus when I was in grad school and then stormed some of the local bars with his music. 'Carolina in the pines' was a hit at the time.

  5. Brilliant John M, brilliant!


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