Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opening Day Radio Tip: Preparing Is Caring

The truly brilliant spontaneous performers, the great ad-libbers, the outstanding improvisational performers, will be the first to tell you that the more prepared you are, the more risks you can take.  Show prep is your safety net.

Dan ODay


  1. First fantastic development from WFAN... On MLB at Bat it appears there are no commercials during the pregame (thus far), unlike WCBS that included the commercials in the feed. While this commercial break was just filled with fan noise and the organist playing the Saints Come Marching In... I can PROMISE you we're going to get some hot mic of John and Suzyn this year if this commercial free feed continues...

  2. Ah that was short lived, but 1-855-kids4kars was a great April 1st joke.

  3. Oh dear, this isn't going well. John days the Yankees look like a junior high school team, Suzyn says it looks like the bad news bears.

  4. Only the first inning of the first game, and our ace is in midseason form. That strength training must have worked.

  5. I'm glad the bar tv here at the airport can only show Fuse news. It's less painful.

  6. We switched to a bar showing the game. Sabathia looks like shit. But of course we have to leave him in for five or six innings, because he's an ace.

  7. New season, same damn complaints.

  8. Flaherty is tweeting...he says cc has nothing. Also says that mussina taught him that when your fastball goes, you have to pitch inside MORE. CC didn't get that lesson.

  9. CC is his own best relief pitcher. Too bad the starter lost the game. And we can't hit worth beans. Feh.


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