Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Strange debris in Indian Ocean finally identified as home run balls hit off CC Sabathia

I get home from 14 hours of travel, sit at the tube, turn on John and Suzyn (who are to announcing what Salino and Barnes are to personal injury settlements) to see this?

Six-nothing in the second? John -- barely an hour into 2014... saying... "AND THE ASTROS ARE EMBARRASSING THE YANKEES... 

Later: "And I want to find the person who predicted this."

I'm going to bed.


  1. You're about to miss the greatest Yankees come back you're ever gonna see...

  2. If BJPB is right, then it's gonna be a looooong season.

  3. Let's start the season right. Nasty Cranky Anonymous, let me buy you dinner at Umberto's Clam House after the home opener next week. Got some friends who are dying to meet you.

  4. There won't be a home opener. The franchise will fold after getting swept by the Astros.

  5. A wise man once said "You just can't predict baseball".

    Not true. CC losing on opening day is fucking clockwork. I even predicted him giving up exactly 6 runs, but that was just a hunch.

  6. The best things about this game to me were the solid relief pitching of Bettances and Nuno; Tex hitting well on opening night (though that also scares me a little bit); John's calling the Hebrew Home "world-renowned"; and John's new (to me) go-to phrase, "to put it mildly".

    It's a heady mix for sure. A welcome one. At the end of last season I was certain I wouldn't miss it, and like usual I was wrong. Life's not the same when John's not riffing on the effects of sunlight on the opacity of a bullpen screen. It's the little things that matter.

  7. John M, would you reconsider your suggestion that those posting under "Anonymous" adopt some slight variation so as to distinguish themselves from nasty cranky Anonymous? How is it that the least collegial contributor to this blog should have exclusive rights to "Anonymous"? He has a knowledge of the Yankees, yes. But his primary interest is tearing down other people to satiate some sadistic need. You and KD especially have found your posts mocked and your persons insulted. So how to deal with this vile character? Best thing is for all who wish to do so to post under "Anonymous". Drown him out. His pretentious language and snobbery indicate that he has a high opinion of himself(anonymous though it may be to us). So, obscure his identity. Therefore, fellow bloggers, post frequently under "Anonymous" and bury this miserable elitist.

  8. It wasn't easy to deal with at first. I doubt anybody likes being ridiculed and mocked but I've learned to accept the barbs and not take them personally. It's really more about him than me. Anony has helped me gain perspective and, dare I say, just a little bit of wisdom.

  9. KD and John M. are the most compulsive flamers on this list. EVERY ONE of the tangles I have had with them has been initiated by a barb from one of them. In just the past three days KD has initiated several little missles of spite out of nowhere. John M., during his mercifully brief pinch-hitting tenure as a featured poster, initiated an entire thread devoted mainly to "Anonymous"-baiting. And I am tarred with the brush of provocateur? Please--it's the opposite of reality.

    Part of the pique directed against me arises from resentment that I am the only person who attempts serious baseball analysis, and I have endured all matter of obloquy because of it from the insecure and hidebound.

    No one's going to drown me out--after all, the only person on this list who knows and cares about things like WAR and WRC+ and OPS-and deploys them with some insight and originality (as I did in my comparative analysis of Johnson and Nunez) will always stand out like a searchlight of lucidity in the daily fog of lame frat-boy snark and japes and malice that form the bulk of the comments on this list.

    The stellar posts of el duque, mustang, alphonso, etc., with their reliable wit, erudition, and thoughtfulness, should serve as an example for the commenters. WORK on your posts a bit--think about whether you really have something interesting to say or whether you just want to see your words in print on a blog. Is tapping out "Nunez sucks" or "I left my boots under your mother's bed" a worthwhile expenditure of your finite mental capacities? Are you animated by a love of baeball and the Yankees or a lust for verbal combat, an addiction to invective and verbal warfare?

    The "Anonymous" who began his post above, "John M. would you reconsider your suggestion" is the very essence of the malicious provocateur that he piously pretends to abhor. He knows nothing, cares nothing, about the subjects of this list--he is a conflict addict seeking a cheap high. The best thing to do is to ignore him and his ilk and to aspire to the level of the aforementioned contributors--in substance and comradely spirit--who have made this one of the best baseball blogs.

  10. I am now a Joe Girardi fan after this quote: "I had a feeling we were going to lose a game at some point this year. So we got it out of the way early.”


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