Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Holy Jeternut Juice! That newly found Dr. Seuss book is about the Yankees!

What vet should I get?
Who doesn't put me into debt.
A pitcher like A.J. Burnett...
What vet should I get?

A Price would be nice!
I wouldn't think twice!
I'd certainly bite
If the Price is right.

I could get a Cole Hamels,
For my best Scranton mammals,
Who might be Allan Trammels!
(Plus a carton of Camels.)

I could get a Martin Prado,
For a year's supply of Play-Doh.
If I got a new Craig Kimbrel,
My bullpen would be downright crim'nal!

I could get Aroldis Chapman,
What would Boston think of THAT, man?
Or I'd settle for Mike Leake,
Though that name has me feeling bleak.

What vet should I get?
And trade a guy we'll soon forget.
Who won't become the next George Brett.
What vet should I get?

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