Tuesday, July 28, 2015




  1. I hear Bobby Valentine could be coaxed out of his current gig...

  2. Give him the Popeye's chicken concession, and I'm sure he'd jump on it.

  3. I don't think John Farrell is to blame for the pile of shit that is the Boston Red Sox. That clubhouse is a cesspool of terrible attitudes and that began with Ortiz and Ramirez, which continued with Beckett, Pedroia, and Paplebon, and then again with the most recent crop of assholes. And then of course the incompetent owners will side with Ortiz and Pedroia over anything, so you can't butt heads with them in any way. Managing that franchise is probably the most volatile job in the world. Every so often the players get their act together and win a world series, but for the most part they don't respect their manager and don't care/probably like when get fired. Terry Francona should have earned unlimited goodwill from everyone in that organization and they kicked him out the door because those cocksuckers didn't have enough respect for him to not get hammered during the game. I believe they actively played bad for Bobby V because he wanted to be a manager and not a babysitter for grown men. And I think Farrell has a similar case as Francona. The players don't respect him and don't care.

    Girardi has his flaws, but considering he managed to get those godawful 2013 and 2014 teams to play to an above .500 record should say everything you need to know about him as a manager. Makes more good decisions than bad, and he keeps the clubhouse under control.


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