Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Let us take a moment to pray for the people of Scranton

This is the new logo for the Scranton RailRiders - aka "The Baby Bombers."
The Scranton CradleRobbers?


  1. KD has confirmed my worst fears. It WAS Keith Olbermann that was trolling as "anonymous". Ugh. I was a big fan of his until he got on this site and pissed all over good people, like John. Olbermann has his demons. He really ruined this site for many months. Hell, I did a Nielsen rating & praised his TV journalism in the comments section. No more. Fuck you, Keith Olbermann. Now I'm glad you got your ass fired from mainstream journalism. You give Yankee fans a bad name. And you put Duque in a bit of a bind. Again, FUCK OLBERMANN.

  2. Please omit the comma after "people" - Keith would be the first to point out that the incorrect punctuation completely distorts the meaning of the sentence. Oh, and did I also mention "Fuck Keith Olbermann"? If not, then "Fuck Keith Olbermann"


  3. In the interest of science, would Anonymous or KD please post a link to one or more IIH posts where Keith Olbermann trolled this blog? I'm not saying KO did or didn't do it, but I'm curious to know how this is known with such certainty.

    I'm always interested in learning new sleuthing techniques...



  4. Returning to the logo, please note that the "baby" is shown with Homer Simpson or Fred Flintstone beard growth which gives him a formidable 5 o'clock shadow. The irony, of course, is that the baby will need to shave it off when he gets called up to the big team.

    If the intent of this logo was to give the players additional motivation to improve their performance to get called up to the show -- i.e., so that they no longer have to have something so stupid sewn to their uniforms -- I'd say it succeeded.

  5. That looks like something from the first batch of presentation images when PowerPoint was launched in 1990. The people of Scranton deserve better. The people of Wilkes-Barre deserve better. The players deserve better. America deserves better.

  6. I second LBJ's request: please, if you guys are going to piss all over one of my favorite (political) commentators, PLEASE give us a link so that somehow I can see this stuff for myself.
    I am willing to keep an open mind, but I am not willing to take KD's word that he somehow has intuited that this troll was KO. Please give us some substantiation of this - - then, just maybe, you might make a convert of me. Until that, nope.
    I am aware that KO has his demons, and tends to distance himself from people he feels he got too close to, for instance....so do many of the rest of us - - but as far as I'm concerned this is still an open question.
    One thing I will say, I regret that I didn't find this blog until last year, because there's nothing else like it - - and it reflects most of my own personal Yankees' views so accurately. I wish I had known about it from the start. LB (No J)

  7. this happened before you came on board, LBJ. I know it was him but I have no direct evidence. circumstantial but i'll stick to my assertion until proven wrong. maybe duque has an archive he can share that can still be sleuthed. the guy was particularly vicious and went on and on and on, attacking everyone. It was really quite amazing. if you ever read some of KO's truculent rants where he attacks people's education levels and schools, this was the same dude. only thing missing was "I went to Cornell!"

    anyhow, I didn't really mean to dig up this corpse.

  8. BTW, nobody ought to really pay much attention to me. I'm one of duque's slowest minions.

  9. Apologies for diverting the thread. However, the genuinely savage attacks, oftentimes personal, penned by "Anonymous", were significant in the history of Duque's blog. I had been participating on this site for nearly a year when these attacks knocked the good-natured banter right off track. After a month of it, especially reading the undeserved attacks on John M., I simply withdrew. It was clear that by about a week into this Duque knew who it was, and there were a couple of exchanges in the wee hours where Duque & Anonymous engaged in a cryptic exchange. Duque was not in any position to unmask the intruder, but he would occasionally parry & riposte after that, though Anonymous made explicit he was a fan of El Duque's. I really hope it was NOT Olbermann, as I am a fan. But KD's circumstantial evidence does pile up, as is apparent if you trace the thread.


  10. This is all very interesting.

    KD, I read too much into your previous comments and thought you had come up with a creative way to unmask an anonymous post-er. That would have been useful last summer when any number of Redsockian assholes were trying to figure out who published MoonBigPapi.com ... and I was simultaneously trying to unmask them ... mmmmbwahahaha.

    All things considered, I will respect everyone's wish to just let the issue die. It doesn't sound like it was very pleasant.

  11. Hey, if you're looking for answers from me, I don't have any. This blog is Vegas: What happens here....

    But seriously, do you guys ever think about how much you have IN COMMON, being that you read this blog regularly? I'm hoping to get to Yankee Stadium this year and have a first annual IT IS HIGH Super-Mega-Beer-Blast somewhere in the bleachers - no, the disco. What are you going to do? Get in a political argument, start fighting and get us all thrown out?

    I remember those old threads, and I vaguely remember asking some Anonymous person to cool it. Don't know who it was. I don't want personal attacks on this site unless I'm making them myself, and hence, they are super-moral judgments against someone who jogs out grounders or paints his sock with ketchup, or who hides under the bed with all his money when a Cuban free agent appears on the market. You know who you are.

  12. Replies
    1. Seacrest would be be too young, no? He wouldn't have been even 40 years old when this happened. The guy knew the 1970s Yankees extremely well. Mustang speaks with authority on this blog, though, unless he is pulling my chain here.

  13. As I said, Duque knows the identity. However, as clearly it was a fellow NY sports writer, he is in no position to share that knowledge. It was a bad scene for Duque above all others. "Anonymous" vented his spleen, but he ruined the party for the rest of us. I appreciate KD'S efforts, then & now.

  14. Apologies, Duque! That early hours exchange suggested STRONGLY you knew the identity. But I apologize! Too often I assume you are omniscient. Anyway, you handled the situation as diplomatically as possible.

  15. Brian Cashman, GM, New York YankeesJanuary 31, 2017 at 4:12 PM

    Come to the Stadium, boys. The beers are on us.


  16. I'm hoping to get to Yankee Stadium this year and have a first annual IT IS HIGH Super-Mega-Beer-Blast somewhere in the bleachers - no, the disco.

    I think this is a fine idea. If we're discussing it, I also think you might consider one of those Wednesday or Thursday afternoon get-away day games that happen once or twice a month. I say this because:

        1) Mid-week day-game tickets are relatively easy (i.e., cheap) to come by.

        2) Speaking selfishly, a day game would allow those of us coming in from the hinterlands to get ourselves back home again without having to pay to stay in a hotel ... which might also be of interest to you guys from Syracuse. Sitting on the train for a few hours after drinking beer in the afternoon is both cost-effective and safe.

    Day game options this summer are:

        May 25 - Royals
        Jul 26 - Reds
        Aug 2 - Tigers (poster day!)
        Aug 30 - Indians
        Sep 20 - Twinkies

    Food for thought...

  17. Mid-week day games are the best! Pick 1, Duque?

  18. 26 July. You can boo the Reds, get even for 1976 . . . . Care to make a wager, gentlemen?


  20. Don't know if you know this, all-caps, but Keith's Mom passed away several years ago - - in his last year on MSNBC - - it hit him very hard, and may have made him bitter, too, as he lost his father the same year. He never seemed the same, after that.
    Perhaps we could get Chucky K. to throw the first pitch when the "dignitaries" of the team are on the field (or sitting with Rudy, in his box). I would vote for that!
    I would STILL rather not think it was KO who trashed this blog - - he was making millions, and writing his own material for NIGHTLY tv - - plus, he had the lovely Katy Tur with him at that time - - why take it upon himself to trash a blog?? ....but, then, why does OVOFL (our very own fearless leader) trash everybody on Twitter who criticizes him - - even nine year-olds....who knows what motivates people.

    I hope you guys can manage to get together this summer, but I will probably be sitting back here in MI., feeling very blue that day, because I very much doubt I could talk myself into making that trip, at this stage. If any of you ever do come to Comerica Park, or even US Cellular, I would love to meet up with you.
    Twenty-plus years ago, it was a regular route for me to take the Thru-way all the way to Albany (basically) and back, through Rochester, by Buffalo, and down to Erie, for my business - - when I think of all the times I was right by Syracuse, Utica, Rochester (often stayed there), I really regret the timing discrepancy; when I was in the old "cathedral" (which should still be there), I didn't know a soul. Bummer.
    Don't shy away from those personal attacks, Duque - - just make them sly and clever, like you usually do. LB (No J)


  22. I have no idea what this is all about. And I will state; ALPHONSO does not care. I am immune to attack, as I am usually hung over.

    I will attack those who merit attack; Cheap Hal; Incompetent Brian; and Boring Joe. Also; old, over paid players who fail to hit.

    Also; Michael Pineda.

    We should decide on a highly potent " It is high" drink to get us through the " rough patches ' ahead for the team, and for the nation.


  23. Alphonso,

    Olde English High Gravity 800 Malt Liquor boasts an ABV of 8% and costs only $2.99 per 40 oz. According to one reviewer at Beer Advocate:

    Clear deep golden with three fingers of white head lasting about ten minutes. Sheets of fine bubble lace.
    Smell is malts grain bin and a hint of grape skin.
    Taste is grain bin malts with just mere bump of grassy hop bitterness.
    Mouthfeel is medium with good carbonation. Finish is slightly wet and a bit sweet.

    Considering the likely frequency of rough patches ahead, we might be smart to go cheap.

  24. Proposal: we go to the Bronx, watch the game at one of the bars across the street, and Hal is none the richer.

  25. Make it a RailRiders game. Everyone can sport a diaper and a two day beard growth.

  26. Alphonso- I suggest a "Top Shelf" Old Fashioned. Only, instead of small batch Bulliet and well-reviewed bitters, we use watered down hooch and half-ripe fruit. The straw that stirs the drink can be a folded up photo of Bryce Harper at Monument Park.

    I'd love to catch a game with you all, but my recent move south makes it unlikely. I hail from Hazleton --the birthplace of Joe Maddon and current coal-region honeypot for media trying to understand Trump voters-- so a Baby (puke) Bombers game might be in the cards. Plan on. I'll jump onboard if I can.


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