Sunday, August 20, 2017

It's time we had a talk about Aaron Judge

A year ago, they said he'd flop - too long a swing, too much strike zone, too frickin' big. For three months, he proved them to be idiots. Then came July. 

Over the last 28 days, Aaron Judge has hit .185 with 5 home runs and only 7 RBIs. Seven. That number should terrify every Yank fan, because it came with Judge batting third, heart of the order - leaving runners on base in droves while setting strikeout records. If the season ended today - for him, I almost wish it would - he'd finish with .286, 37 homer, 80 RBIs and a bunch of MVP votes.

But nobody chants "MVP" anymore, and if he goes another month of hitting like Betty White, we might start hearing it shouted derisively. I did some math. If Judge hits over the last six weeks the way he did over the previous month, here are what his totals will look like:

Batting average: .265.
Home Runs: 42
Runs Batted In: 87

Jeez, he won't even break 100 RBIs. We will have witnessed a Kevin Maasian collapse. I know, I know - this is more doom and gloom than anybody needs after a victory in Boston - but he struck out three times last night, and his ongoing meltdown - I believe exacerbated by the Yankee p.r. machine's ALL RISE "Judge's chambers" in right field - should have Yankee player, coach and fan panicking. We may be looking at the next Chris Carter. It doesn't matter that a home run travels 500 feet - it's still just one run.  

Hate to say this - should have my mouth washed out with Brillo - but when this guy comes to bat, I now feel a sense of - well - Judge dread. If ever a guy needed a few days off...


  1. Judge dread (good one, Duque!), indeed. They should do the poor guy a favor, and move him down in the order, just to take some pressure off him (not to mention the strategic value that move could have for our offense, overall).

    If & (I fervently hope), when he re-discovers his stroke, there's plenty of time to put him back in the place reserved for our best hitter. I would be ecstatic if they did, and it were deserved.

    Boston (curse you, Red Barrens!) was wise enough to do that with Benintendi, leader of the (EVIL) superstar team of destiny, 2017 (TM) - - and it worked with him. I think Judge has more potential than little feminine weasel of a ballplayer - - so why, oh WHY, can't our bone-headed "leadership" do at least the same??

    Meanwhile, "Go Sunny, Go!" Let's win ourselves a series. LB (No J)

  2. From ALL RISE to TIME TO PEE.

    They sure put pressure on this kid. But HOLY CASH COW he's made Hal some coin.

  3. Umpires are calling pitches at eye level strikes.

    That can really screw up your swing.

    One of his strike outs last night, the first two were called as strikes but were high. He probably swung at the third because it was in the same location.

  4. Ya I think the umps are really screwing him over as well.... Umps hate anyone that has more success than them

  5. I'm starting to believe that the HR Derby curse is real. I've heard it had effected other players in the past but I thought it was just players being such overpaid babies about it. Now I'm having second thoughts.

    I have hope though. I'm remembering Gary Sánchez's crazy last year numbers and then horrible this years one, only to get much better as of late. No one expected Sánchez to maintain those crazy ROY-like numbers either. I'm hoping this is just a similar spell for Judge and he'll level out but still be an all-star type player for the rest of his career.

  6. 1. The league was bound to get a book on him. Hence, the diet of low and away sliders.
    2. Umps adjusted their zones (could all the "what great discipline he has" talk impacted that?)
    3. The bleeping HR Derby is worse than Curse of the Midges.
    4. The wigs/judge's chambers/memorabilia deals ain't helping. (The wigs will be six for a buck by Labor Day)
    5. Judge dread, indeed.

  7. Good Lord! Sanchez is having a tough day. Hey, I've got an idea. Play him at 3rd base.

  8. Sanchez partying again? I guess there's no curfew on teams any longer...

  9. Judge's strikeout streak is still intact.

  10. Yup. It's still going, at 37 games; Joey Blue-Binders could have stopped that streak for him, and at least, got THAT albatross off his back. He had been up three times without striking out today, and Joey COULD have pinch-hit for him, and that would have mercifully been all she wrote for the K-streak...but, Noooooo!! and Joey doesn't believe he should be moved down in his sacred batting order, either. Stubborn moron!

    Once again, today, he let the BP get out of hand - - and now he's probably wrecked Bryan Mitchell AND Tommy Kahnle for the forseeable (2017) future, as relievers. MAYBE what he did today might have helped El Chapo, and MAYBE it didn't. My money is on "it didn't".

    True, the umps haven't been at all helpful to Judge, whatever their motive(s). One thing I've noticed the past two weeks, they sure do tend to call strikes on pitches that move around the outside part of the plate more often when they come from the hand of Sale...just sayin'...Today's ump was calling less low strikes, hurting both starting pitchers' pitch-counts. LB (No J)

  11. Let's not overlook the fact that Judge also takes a lot of called strikes that, to me, appear to be fastballs down the middle. He also swings and misses at fastballs down the middle. so he is either, " pulling off," the pitch and losing a paper swing arc to make contact, or he needs glasses.

    In either case, you are all right about options which our brilliant manager should try. But he won't.

    Because, "El Chappo is my closer," and , " Judge is my number three hitter."

    A refusal to admit a mistake is worse than making one.

    Are you watching, Joe?


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