Wednesday, September 13, 2017

As The Master Tells All on CenterStage...

UPDATE: For posterity, we present the entire chat transcript after the jump!

tompeyerJoe's postgame interview is on YES right now. Today, Joe pushed all the right buttons!
Sep 13, 9:58 PM
tompeyerOh God it's Michael Kay's voice already
Sep 13, 10:00 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Remember, everywhere you go -- There you are!
Sep 13, 10:02 PM
tompeyerListen to that applause for Michael Kay
Sep 13, 10:02 PM
tompeyerJohn clearly considers this a real honor
Sep 13, 10:03 PM
tompeyerLotta women in the crowd
Sep 13, 10:04 PM
ElDuque1He started in upstate NY!
Sep 13, 10:04 PM
tompeyerJohn needs to be talked into how great his streak is
Sep 13, 10:05 PM
ElDuque1Guy in front row staring hard at John.
Sep 13, 10:05 PM
tompeyer"Just one of the lucky things that happen in this nutty business"
Sep 13, 10:05 PM
ElDuque1He doesn't care about the streak.
Sep 13, 10:05 PM
tompeyerHe cares about the Yankees
Sep 13, 10:06 PM
ElDuque1"Isn't that amazing? What a nutty business!"
Sep 13, 10:06 PM
tompeyerAmazing. Nutty!
Sep 13, 10:06 PM
ElDuque1"Every day is a good day for me."
Sep 13, 10:07 PM
ElDuque1Five minutes in, John's wiping tears.
Sep 13, 10:07 PM
Sep 13, 10:07 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Feel for me guys. Being here behind hind the lines in enemy territory, I don't get YES. I'll have to watch on the interwbs tomorrow.
Sep 13, 10:08 PM
tompeyerWe'll try to be more descriptive, Rufus
Sep 13, 10:08 PM
tompeyerThe all-caps quote came from George
Sep 13, 10:08 PM
Sep 13, 10:08 PM
tompeyerAnd he was crying about his sister who died years ago
Sep 13, 10:09 PM
ElDuque1His home run calls come from the NY Nets. No player ever objected to them.
Sep 13, 10:09 PM
tompeyerMy question for John: What did George think of you?
Sep 13, 10:10 PM
ElDuque1My question: How about those talented Yankee kids!
Sep 13, 10:10 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)NY nets???? The Dr. J version?
Sep 13, 10:11 PM
ElDuque1They used Swisher to segue into the commercial.
Sep 13, 10:11 PM
ElDuque1Yeah, it started with Bernard King.
Sep 13, 10:11 PM
tompeyerRufus, I spaced out. Dunno the Nets answer.
Sep 13, 10:11 PM
LocalBargainJerkI'm in this boat too: "Feel for me guys. Being here behind hind the lines in enemy territory, I don't get YES. I'll have to watch on the interwbs tomorrow."
Sep 13, 10:11 PM
LocalBargainJerkI'll have to catch up later.
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
ElDuque1There is a guy with white hair who is really staring hard at John. There could be a fight brewing.
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
tompeyerWe should all watch this every Christmas
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)At least I can watch the Red Sox lose to Tampa devils live!
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
ElDuque1They're back from the commercial. John is talking about growing up.
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
tompeyerI said "Christmas" because Trump said I could
Sep 13, 10:12 PM
LocalBargainJerkMeanwhile, Boston is losing 7-3 in the bottom of the 8th.
Sep 13, 10:13 PM
tompeyerBurn, Boston, Burn!
Sep 13, 10:13 PM
ElDuque1John always wanted to call games. "I'd be at cocktail parties, serving drinks... as a little boy."
Sep 13, 10:13 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)I served drinks as little boy...
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
ElDuque1I hope that stern guy in the crowd doesnt have a gun.
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
tompeyerJohn is a Rat Pack guy
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)... to my friends.
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Gotta love the Rat Packe
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
ElDuque1John has a nicer suit than Michael. Stylish.
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
tompeyer"I'm a self-starter"
Sep 13, 10:14 PM
tompeyerJohn's suit is way nicer
Sep 13, 10:15 PM
ElDuque1Scoop of the night: John was a Yankee fan growing up.
Sep 13, 10:15 PM
tompeyerReplate Page One
Sep 13, 10:15 PM
ElDuque1John is going to use a naughty word, says they're going to have to bleep it out. THIS IS TV GOLD'
Sep 13, 10:16 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)He's going to "cuss"?
Sep 13, 10:16 PM
ElDuque1"YOU *******!" John said that on TV.
Sep 13, 10:16 PM
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
tompeyerJohn went to a lot of colleges
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
ElDuque1Can we get a copy of that byte?
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
LocalBargainJerkBut he's only been to one Hebrew Home.
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)LBJ -- you sure they're not a chain?
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
tompeyerDuque, let's look into that
Sep 13, 10:17 PM
LocalBargainJerkIt's like a campus.
Sep 13, 10:18 PM
ElDuque1John says he's not bragging. But in broadcasting class, he was "Michael Jordan."
Sep 13, 10:18 PM
LocalBargainJerkAir Sterling.
Sep 13, 10:18 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)My friend has an air Garcia shirt he wears at dead concerts
Sep 13, 10:19 PM
LocalBargainJerkQ: What did one deadhead say to the other when they ran out of pot at a Dead concert?
Sep 13, 10:19 PM
ElDuque1Michael is really sucking up. You think he's setting up John for an attack?
Sep 13, 10:19 PM
LocalBargainJerkA: This music sucks!
Sep 13, 10:19 PM
Sep 13, 10:20 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)A: were those shroom's bad?
Sep 13, 10:20 PM
LocalBargainJerkTop of the 9th, Boston down 7-3.
Sep 13, 10:20 PM
tompeyerCommercial. John will regroup. Michael's playing checkers, John is playing chess.
Sep 13, 10:21 PM
ElDuque1I'm thinking that Michael is already out of questions, and we're not halfway through
Sep 13, 10:21 PM
tompeyerThey're probably madly scribbling new questions on cue cards
Sep 13, 10:21 PM
LocalBargainJerkBTW, Mustang, I liked "IIH's own John Sterling..." from your announcement of this event. One wonders if he ever does check out this blog...
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
ElDuque1Wellsville, NY! I've been there! And Watertown!
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
LocalBargainJerk"They're probably madly scribbling new questions on cue cards"
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
LocalBargainJerkLike the ones they used in Wayne's World...
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
ElDuque1John didnn't like rock n' roll?
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
tompeyerLBJ, they've always said John is entirely innocent of the internet. I don't know if that's changed.
Sep 13, 10:22 PM
ElDuque1Say it aint so.
Sep 13, 10:23 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)" John didnn't like rock n' roll?"
Sep 13, 10:23 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)He's into SHOW TUNES!
Sep 13, 10:23 PM
ElDuque1Not at all.
Sep 13, 10:23 PM
LocalBargainJerkIf he's innocent of the internet, he's got more interns than I thought.
Sep 13, 10:23 PM
tompeyerWhat about speed metal?
Sep 13, 10:24 PM
ElDuque1John fought to get hockey on the radio. TRAIL BLAZER!
Sep 13, 10:24 PM
tompeyerMary points out John is wearing peachy lipstick
Sep 13, 10:24 PM
LocalBargainJerkHockey on the radio? Isn't that like origami on the radio?
Sep 13, 10:24 PM
ElDuque1John called hockey games with Fritz Peterson.
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)"John called hockey games with Fritz Peterson." What?
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
tompeyerI listened to the eclipse on the radio
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
ElDuque1And now he's talking about Fritz and Mike Kekich, switching wives.
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
ElDuque1Charlie Rose aint sleeping tonight.
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Mustang gets comment of the night
Sep 13, 10:25 PM
LocalBargainJerkI second that.
Sep 13, 10:26 PM
ElDuque1Did he wear a protective earpiece?
Sep 13, 10:26 PM
ElDuque1You can go deaf listening to the eclipse.
Sep 13, 10:26 PM
LocalBargainJerkThuuuuuuuh Red Sox lose! Red Sox LOSE!
Sep 13, 10:27 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Live and in color
Sep 13, 10:27 PM
ElDuque1Redsocks lost? We're back to three out?
Sep 13, 10:27 PM
ElDuque1This was a big Yankee win today.
Sep 13, 10:28 PM
ElDuque1Another commercial break. Allstate. What happened to Geico?
Sep 13, 10:29 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Peter Wolf is in the in the house. Bottom of the ninth. 7-3
Sep 13, 10:29 PM
LocalBargainJerkSORRY. IT's the bottom of the 9th at Fenway.
Sep 13, 10:29 PM
LocalBargainJerk(slinking away in embarrassment)
Sep 13, 10:29 PM
tompeyerStill, a 4-run lead.
Sep 13, 10:29 PM
ElDuque1They're back. John never stole anything. He has talked his way out of a traffic ticket.
Sep 13, 10:30 PM
tompeyerJohn is loving this attention
Sep 13, 10:30 PM
ElDuque1John called a game while sick from food poisoning. TROOPER!
Sep 13, 10:30 PM
tompeyerAt Fenway, yet!
Sep 13, 10:31 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)TROUPER! -- He's a Broadway guy!
Sep 13, 10:31 PM
ElDuque1He once tossed his car keys to a complete stranger and said, "Take care of it." GADABOUT!
Sep 13, 10:31 PM
tompeyerMary: "Tell us all about it, John. We want to know the color, the smell..."
Sep 13, 10:31 PM
ElDuque1John knew Ted Turner!
Sep 13, 10:32 PM
tompeyerI learned last night that Fritz Lang knew George Reeves
Sep 13, 10:32 PM
ElDuque1"He was very nice to me. You wouldnt think that he could be that brilliant."
Sep 13, 10:32 PM
tompeyerDrink whenever John says "It was a very different time"
Sep 13, 10:33 PM
LocalBargainJerkQ: What's attached to a brilliant man and smells like Jane Fonda?
Sep 13, 10:33 PM
ElDuque1It is high call came after Doc Gooden threw a gopher ball to Dale Murphy... "something happened inside of me."
Sep 13, 10:33 PM
LocalBargainJerkA: Ted Turner's finger.
Sep 13, 10:33 PM
ElDuque1Jeeze, another commercial break?
Sep 13, 10:33 PM
tompeyerkeep em coming, LBJ
Sep 13, 10:34 PM
ElDuque1They must be cramming commercials into this show because John is on.
Sep 13, 10:34 PM
LocalBargainJerkI'm sitting here in a radio/video vacuum, so I'm only reacting to your comments....doing the best I can....
Sep 13, 10:34 PM
tompeyerAny questions, LBJ? Are we getting it across?
Sep 13, 10:34 PM
ElDuque1Fine job. This is fun.
Sep 13, 10:35 PM
LocalBargainJerk"They must be cramming commercials into this show because John is on." Reading between the lines, it sounds like they're trying to stuff 30 minutes of content into a 60-minute show.
Sep 13, 10:35 PM
ElDuque1He's back. Michael: "You're not on twitter... luckily."
Sep 13, 10:35 PM
tompeyerDuq, my feed is about a minute behind yours. Light a candle for me.
Sep 13, 10:36 PM
ElDuque1John says his home run calls have become "a cottage industry." He's going through A-Rod,
Sep 13, 10:36 PM
ElDuque1and Clint Frazier... downtown goes Frazier
Sep 13, 10:36 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)All over in Bean town
Sep 13, 10:36 PM
tompeyer"Now I'm supposed to do one for every player." Who is making him do this?
Sep 13, 10:37 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)His ego...
Sep 13, 10:37 PM
LocalBargainJerkNow it's official. Red Sox lost.
Sep 13, 10:37 PM
ElDuque1"Michael is O-Kay!" gets big round of applause
Sep 13, 10:37 PM
ElDuque1Guy is audience hasn't pulled gun yet. He would have done it then, if he was going to do it.
Sep 13, 10:38 PM
tompeyerI would pay him to come up with an HR call for me. So would a lot of people. John is leaving millions on the table.
Sep 13, 10:38 PM
ElDuque1"Michael and I were friendly from the get-go... I recommended him."
Sep 13, 10:39 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)Mustang Stang one!
Sep 13, 10:39 PM
ElDuque1Michael says John is not a homer.
Sep 13, 10:39 PM
LocalBargainJerkRTF: Very good.
Sep 13, 10:40 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)John is not a homer? Well then, neither am I!
Sep 13, 10:40 PM
ElDuque1John: "I got lucky." He is going to cry again. Mark my words. He will weep.
Sep 13, 10:40 PM
LocalBargainJerkNo need to light a candle for him! He's a Peyer-maniac!
Sep 13, 10:40 PM
LocalBargainJerkugh, sorry.
Sep 13, 10:40 PM
ElDuque1What? Another round of commercials?
Sep 13, 10:41 PM
tompeyerJohn just SLAMMED Jeter. "I saw A LOT of good players." Not just Jeter.
Sep 13, 10:42 PM
ElDuque1John's call for Mustang:
Sep 13, 10:42 PM
tompeyerThank you guys for your Mustang HR calls. All great! Except Duque.
Sep 13, 10:42 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)El Duque treats us to antici.............................................................................................................................................pation!
Sep 13, 10:43 PM
LocalBargainJerktyping a novel are we?
Sep 13, 10:43 PM
ElDuque1"Let me stand next to your Peyer!"
Sep 13, 10:43 PM
tompeyerGREAT ONE
Sep 13, 10:43 PM
ElDuque1I accidentally erased it.
Sep 13, 10:44 PM
LocalBargainJerkThe time to hesitate is through; no time to wallow in the mire. (etc.)
Sep 13, 10:44 PM
ElDuque1John on Suzyn: "We get along great." I hope Michael goes after him
Sep 13, 10:44 PM
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
ElDuque1Asks about critics: John says,
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
ElDuque1You can
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
ElDuque1You can't please the critics.
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
LocalBargainJerkYou also can't predict baseball.
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
ElDuque1Man, I keep hitting the wrong key on this laptop.
Sep 13, 10:45 PM
LocalBargainJerkJust stay within yourself and not try to do too much.
Sep 13, 10:46 PM
tompeyerJohn: lick the fans' genitals, castrate the critics. I'm paraphrasing.
Sep 13, 10:46 PM
ElDuque1John is stumped on the question of what was the most memorable event he ever saw... he mentions the last game he called, Seattle's five errors in the first inning.
Sep 13, 10:47 PM
LocalBargainJerkBest paraphrasing of the night.
Sep 13, 10:47 PM
ElDuque1Man, these commercials are everywhere. Now it is Geico.
Sep 13, 10:47 PM
LocalBargainJerkI'm not going to pay a lot for a muffler.
Sep 13, 10:48 PM
ElDuque1They are not going to ask him about Trump and Russia. WHITEWASH!
Sep 13, 10:48 PM
Sep 13, 10:48 PM
RufusFirefly (Guest)I'm not gonna take it anymore...
Sep 13, 10:49 PM
LocalBargainJerkLet's ask him if he saw the girl-on-girl photos of our first lady in the NY Post.
Sep 13, 10:49 PM
ElDuque1I would like to know what he thinks about global warminng.
Sep 13, 10:49 PM
LocalBargainJerkAsk him where Aleppo is.
Sep 13, 10:49 PM
ElDuque1John likes radio more than tv.
Sep 13, 10:49 PM
ElDuque1John likes steak and salad.
Sep 13, 10:50 PM
LocalBargainJerkJohn like steak and salad more than talking about Trump and Russia?
Sep 13, 10:50 PM
ElDuque1John just promoted two restaurants... FREE MEALS COMING
Sep 13, 10:50 PM
tompeyerJohn said steak, MARTINIS and salad.
Sep 13, 10:51 PM
ElDuque1John's favorite entertainer: Sinatra.
Sep 13, 10:51 PM
Sep 13, 10:51 PM
ElDuque1John's fave dinner guests: Sinatra, Cole Porter, Noel Coward.
Sep 13, 10:52 PM
LocalBargainJerkThose are different than George W. Bush's. Just sayin'.
Sep 13, 10:52 PM
tompeyerJoe Torre "took me to dinner every night for 12 years."
Sep 13, 10:52 PM
LocalBargainJerkJoe T. needs to get out more.
Sep 13, 10:52 PM
ElDuque1"Tonite after the game, when I go home, I'll have a sandwich and a salad,something like that." REVEALING!
Sep 13, 10:53 PM
Sep 13, 10:53 PM
LocalBargainJerkThis has been fun, guys. Unfortunately, I'm don't have access to the show, so I'm not able to participate 100%. Plus I'm a wimp. Giving it up and going upstairs to read for 43 seconds before I fall asleep.
Sep 13, 10:53 PM
LocalBargainJerkSee you around the base...
Sep 13, 10:53 PM
tompeyerMichael drills down: "You're not a popcorn/chip guy?"
Sep 13, 10:53 PM
tompeyerNight LBJ!
Sep 13, 10:54 PM
ElDuque1This rubberized coating, Flex Seal, looks pretty intriguing. It can patch,bond, seal and repair.
Sep 13, 10:54 PM
LocalBargainJerk"Michael drills down: 'You're not a popcorn/chip guy?'" = A most excellent note on which to leave.
Sep 13, 10:55 PM
ElDuque1Michael is asking about the fire. John:
Sep 13, 10:55 PM
ElDuque1"I was very lucky... lets face it, if it happened at two in the morning, I wouldn't be here."
Sep 13, 10:56 PM
tompeyerWhoa, Michael saved the fire til the last segment. A natural showman!
Sep 13, 10:56 PM
ElDuque1John is crying again. "People offered to me their places." A-rod offered him his place.
Sep 13, 10:57 PM
ElDuque1"Never listen to no... you know, sal marciano once said that the only jobs that you don't need experience are broadcasting and prostitution."
Sep 13, 10:58 PM
tompeyerMichael: "Fans stepped up?" (After the fire.) John's expressions says they didn't.
Sep 13, 10:58 PM
ElDuque1John can't imagine retiring. "I figure I'll collapse in the booth someday."
Sep 13, 10:58 PM
ElDuque1Michael says, "IT'S BEEN A BLAST."
Sep 13, 10:59 PM
ElDuque1The Master hit is out of the park."
Sep 13, 11:00 PM
ElDuque1Ballgame over, interview over, Sterling wins... THE STERLINNNNNNNNNNNNNG WINS!
Sep 13, 11:00 PM
tompeyerAnd, as I've heard Duque say, "That's a big -30- from the newsroom."
Sep 13, 11:01 PM
tompeyerQuite a warble, Duque!
Sep 13, 11:01 PM
tompeyerAnd good night from the It Is High Chat Network, Driven by Jeep!
Welcome to my new Chatroll!





  3. We will be running this for the remainder of the season.

  4. It's OK, ALL-CAPS. We paid. Let's watch games this way now.





  6. Wait a second...Mustang is THE Tom Peyer? I have many of the DC comics you worked on such as Hourman and Legionnaires and at least a dozen of them autographed. Small world! Next thing I'll find out is that el duque is THE Roger Stern!

  7. Is there full video of this anywhere?

  8. Vampifella...please stop with the detective work.

    There are many , many famous people here.

    I am not one of them.

    However, we are all living under the radar of the NSA.

    It is best if we remain pseudonyms. And idols.


  9. Alphonso is right. As you can tell from my Avatar, I am actually Angelina Jolie.

  10. We already had to kill Leinstery when he found about the whole JFK thing. How many more???


  11. I really want the world to know about this great man who brought back happiness into my life again after my husband left me and the kids 3 years ago for another women online when i contacted Dr Believe he cast a love spell for me within 48 hours my ex husband start calling me and begging for forgiveness for everything that have happened between us. I was so happy to have my family back together with love again here is the email of Dr Believe via a man with the great powers you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348156148821
    God bless you
    I am very grateful for your help in my marriage.


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