Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Mean Chad Green" takes the night

That's what Sexual Mustang called him - "Mean Chad Green" - after the first inning of last night's live, delirious, IT IS HIGH electric-Kool-Aid acid chat. For most of the game, we had between 18 and 24 fuming, semi-coherent Yank fan nut-jobs frolicking in a stream of group consciousness that ping-ponged between a trailer park karaoke bar and an early Presidential debate. And everything boiled down to Mean Chad Green striking out those two hapless Twinkies in the first inning, with the Borgs and Babadooks pounding at our door.

Think about it: If Green surrenders a base hit, two more runs score, giving Minnesota at least a 5-0 lead before Gardy marches to the plate. Beyond the emotional deflation factor, it would keep them in the lead through the fourth inning and change the game dynamics in ways only Kreskin can predict, that is, if he could predict baseball, Suzyn. 

As it was, it took only four batters to punch back from that 3-0 deficit, crushing the Twins hopes and rousing the Yankee crowd to Cat-5 status. From that point, with the stadium trembling like an Oklahoma fracking quake, we were never going to lose - not to 'Sota, anyway. 

Mean Chad Green. Damn. At the start of this season, if anybody told me that one of the two guys we received from the Justin Wilson trade was going to be our savior, I would have bet the house on Luis Cessa, now appearing on milk cartons in the Tri-State Area. Mean Chad Green staunched the bleeding. He saved 2017. Whatever happens, regardless of the future, he's a made Yankee. Mean Chad Green. Wow.

On to Cleveland! What can go wrong, beyond a hatch of lake mites?   


  1. Next stop: The Mistake by the Lake! Let's turn the Windians into LOSERS!!!

  2. Last night was a hell of a ride. I turned radio off in disgust in 1st inning and didn't hear Mean Chad -- great name for a guy with such a babyface -- slam the door. Of course, I was listening again by the bottom of the inning. Chat was a blast. Don't know how far Yankees can go. Minimum standard: One game longer than Boston.

    I wonder how Gary Sanchez is feeling this morning. That was a direct hit, graphically detailed in Yes-Mo.

  3. And a headline from the Gammonites:

    Joe Girardi's quick thinking, hook pay off

    What is obvious and necessary to us is genius to ESPN. Expect Girardi to get a new contract.

    Damn it.

  4. Red Sox sites were aflame last night. Boston Fratboys sure had their hopes up for a Yankees loss...I think they're terrified of meeting the Yanks in the playoffs.

  5. That was a BLAST last night, so much fun drunk chatting real time with you all!

    Just watched the highlights, seeing Judge beaming as he post homered the bases AND Chapman's mean mean poker face upon the last strike out, F*CKING PRICELESS!!!!!!!

  6. Beat the Schmindians! win this for THE MASTER!! In his final season, we need to send him off in grand style!!

  7. Electric Kool Aid Acid Chat. That's pretty great -- as was the chat itself.

    One question, so I'm reading the local papers online (News and the Post) and they're all over Aaron Judge and I get that and the bull pen and Mean Chad Green... all good but there was VERY little Didi love. Not one headline that I saw. Sanchez's balls got one. Dellin got one and he didn't even play. Same with Chase Headley...

    But Didi's HR had to be one of the most important in Yankee history. Or at least in my life. It was an epic reset. How does he not get an article? What's up with that?

    Doug K.


  9. Replacing a legend ain't easy. Didi has been awesome all year. Fukkit. I think "Sir" Didi earned a promotion to "King" last night.

  10. .......AND "MASKED EDITOR" IS 100% RIGHT.



  11. Who called The King's homerun better?

    The Spanish station?

    Or the Master?

  12. Anybody still unhappy about the trade with the White Sox?


  14. Any particular JuJu tools that you all pulled out of your arsenal last night?

    I did a good old fashioned negative onslaught. I was in a chat with a bunch of ridiculous fangirls who couldn't stop blathering about how good we were when we were down 3-0. I reminded them how much we suck, predicted Aaron Judge would become a choke artist and a burn out. (It killed me to say these things, and judging from their reactions I won't be allowed back in their facebook chat!) I predicted our doom right down to the bottom of the 9th. I sacrificed a little enjoyment, but sometimes we have to take one for our team!


  15. The fun thing for me about the chat is that it simulated -- fairly accurately -- the feeling of sitting in a room with a bunch of good drunken friends, all of whom were getting off some pretty good one-liners.

    I left my laptop on, still on its tray table, ready for tomorrow night's game.

  16. The Spanish guy was pretty cool:

    Happy times either way. Now that was a great trade:
    the question was whether he would hit. I think he's answered that satisfactorily:

  17. @LBJ, great description of the chat last night!
    Looking forward to many more to come ( hopefully)

  18. Here's a concern I don't see anyone addressing: Girardi blew a giant hole out of the core of his bullpen by using Green and Robertson far longer than they are accustomed to pitching. Can they bounce back EVER in the postseason after those marathon stints?

  19. Good question, Anonymous, and it will be interesting to see how creative Girardi can/will be.

    From this perspective, Kahnle, Robertson and Green are probably done for Thursday but maybe available Friday. Seems to me Sevy could use some work, and a couple of strong innings might make him feel better about himself. Jaime Garcia is available, although nobody thinks he's as lights out as last night's crew.

    Does Sonny Boy really need to start tomorrow night? Maybe he's due for a good one.

  20. Can Severino's psyche rebound from that catastrophic post-season debut? Can any pitcher? Here's an inspiriting example from Yankee posteason history: On October 5, 1956, Don Larsen took the mound at Ebbets Field to start Game 2 of that World Series, with the Yanks having already dropped Game !--a pressure start that cried out for a clutch performance. Larsen proceeded to serve up 1/2/3 of batting practice to the Brooks, yielding four runs (none earned, to be fair) and four walks before Stengel mercifully banished him to the showers with two outs in the second inning. The Dodgers went on to pummel the Yankees 13-8 that day to take a 2-0 lead in the Series.

    Having thrown so few pitches, Larsen was available to start again on October 8, at Yankee Stadium, with only two days' rest. The Ole Perfesser must have sensed something that escaped the intuition of mere mortals, because all Larsen did that day was electrify the sports world by pitching the first--and to this day, only-perfect game in postseason history as the Yankees went on to a seven-game triumph in the North American Rounders Championship.

    The moral is this--yes, a pitcher can rise from the ashes of a disastrous first postseason start, and it happene--miraculously, historically--right across the street, on the grounds of Heritage Field (formerly the real Yankee Stadium).

  21. To be perfectly accurate, I append the following: Larsen's abysmal Game 2 start in 1956 was not his first World Series start ever--he had also started Game 4 of the 1955 series, and stunk up the joint just as badly that day, surrendering 5 earned runs in only 4 innings of what turned out to be an 8-5 loss that day in the only Series the Bombers ever lost to the BROOKLYN Dodgers. So Larsen had to climb out of a hole two fathoms deep before vaulting to the Olympus of mound hurlers. You could look it up.

  22. Yesterday afternoon, Mean Chad Hisownself was interviewed on MLB Network Channel on Sirius/XM. One of the things they asked him was when, in the game (last night), would he he be mentally prepared to come in - - considering all the different situations he had been used during the course of the season. Of course, he diplomatically answered what you would hope: I'll be mentally prepared to come in anytime, from the FIRST INNING onward. Don't think that those words didn't echo surrealistically in my mind when Joe summoned him with only one out, after only six batters!! Mean Chad wasn't just whistlin' Dixie, either: he gave it everything he had - - struck out the first five he faced, FGS - - D-Rob did himself proud, as well.
    When I could see D-Rob getting into a jam, I just KNEW Joe would put in Kahnle - - and I must admit that I maligned him: I told my wife that I knew Joe would be calling on Kahnle, and I warned her that the game could be tied before we knew it. So now, publicly, I am apologizing to Tommy the K-Gun, and I hereby adjure him to keep up the good work (not to mention the good control).
    Let's make a Hard Promise that We Won't Back Down - - After Dark - - Wild Flowers, not Wild Pitchers. The Tribe is due for some Free Fallin'...just sayin' Time for Runnin' Down our Dream: #28, or Bust! LB (No J)


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