Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What is a Yankee fan?


  1. Carrabis has a serious case of little man syndrome. His dumb rat face has to compensate for being 5'4" so he plays the role of tough guy and shit talker, but only when the Red Sox are winning. The moment the Sox start to skid he becomes a "woe is me have pity on my soul" type guy. I find that to be insulting as I live in the Sky is falling mode every day, fucking poser.

    One thing he did once was write about the Mitchell report (specifically something about David Ortiz and how he didn't use steroids) and frame it as X amount of Yankees were on it, but gave no context that many of those guys were there briefly (not the mainstays) and didn't distinguish whether they used before or after being on the Yanks. In short he's a sniveling sack of shit that makes your average Gammonite look like Martin Luther King.

  2. Red Sox fans and commentators lost all moral high ground, forever, when they had their catcher—in full catching great—punch out our best player...and celebrated it.

    Other great moments at Fenway:

    —Security guards getting into it with Jeff Nelson in the 1999 playoffs.

    —That bullpen guy getting into it with Jeff Nelson in the 2003 playoffs.

    —That fans slugging Sheffield as he went for a ball out in right field.

    Had any of those things happened to the Sox in Yankee Stadium, there would have been war crime trials, and the Yanks would have been ordered to forfeit several world titles.

  3. Spot on Horace, but they'll counter with Yankee fans say mean things to the players and their wives.

    Is there any video of Jeff Nelson fighting in 99? I love that guy, he was always in the middle of it to throw down for his teammates. He knew his role on the team, good enough that he was never in jeopardy of losing his job, but he wasn't Mariano or Ramiro thus they could endure a few games with him suspended. Plus deep down I always believed the fake to third throw to first would work.

  4. Nah, he didn't actually get into a fight in 1999. The Sox fans were puling a mini-riot, because of a couple of admittedly bad calls—in a game they lost 9-2—and throwing all kinds of stuff on the field.

    Some Sox security guard started jawing at Nelson, telling him to get back from the edge of the dugout and shut his mouth, and they were yelling at each other for awhile, but that was all.

    Nelson was a terrific cog. I still think letting him go cost us the World Series in 2001.

  5. Paulie O'Neill bitching again about how long the game is.

    I loved watching O'Neill play. But as an announcer I cannot stand how much he complains.

    Paulie, you have all the money and options in the world, and being paid hundreds of thousands? more to offer your commentary on the sport is a fate all of us would wish to suffer. If the game bores you so much, go find a beach somewhere.

  6. BEST YANKEE WIN OF THE YEAR..... so far!!!!!!!
    TYLER AUSTIN, Yankkee Spirit Animal 2018!!!!!!

  7. Yes, we love us some Tyler! Though ballplayers are such hilariously terrible fighters.


  8. I have a friend (a Nationals' fan) who told me, years ago, that the Yankees would regret signing Sabathia because he was so large, and old. He would crumble sooner or later, he said. Too much body (and age/abuse on his arm).

    Later, he said the same thing about some Gigantic Panda that the Sox had signed. Right again!

    This friend was nice enuf NOT to issue an "I told you so" when it turned out that CC could no longer throw a lot of innings and stay healthy. And he no longer gets to first base to cover on a grounder to the right side. I still find that incredible!

    Well, there is a similar way of thinking about Price and others: Don't acquire a pitcher, even if he is in good shape and relatively young, if his arm has been pitched off in previous years.

    I just looked it up. Price thru 698 innings (not counting spring training or playoffs) total in the years 2014-16.

    [CC Sabathia: more than 1,300 regular-season innings in the years 2009-13. No, I'm not making that up!)

    If there is joy in Yankeeville at Price's apparent injury so early in the season, it might be attributed -- at least in part -- to the saying they taught me in Brooklyn so long ago:

    "You get what you pay for -- and -- you pay for what you get."

    I hope Cashman doesn't have to relearn this every day for the rest of his career . . .

  9. Watching the game thru my home theater system, I heard the Boston fans shouting "Yankees Suck" incessantly.

    Boy did the Yanks suck last night...

    At least Austin didn't lead with his face.


  10. I wrote a post the other day about what the game will be like 50 years from now. For my last prediction, I wrote that, fifty years from now:

         Red Sox fans will be insufferable assholes.

    I didn't need to stick my neck out too far to come up with that one. Mr. Carrabis' tweet is just another milepost along a 50-year journey.

    Their simpering, superior-as-all-hell, sneering Masshole attitude is in their fucking DNA.

  11. Poor babies. That your archenemy's fans would be glad you lost one of your top two pitchers. Tsk tsk.

    I'm sure if the Yanks lost Judge, Stanton, Severino, Robertson, Didi or anyone else that stood in their way, they would graciously send him "get well" wishes and shake their heads at the vagaries and unfairness of injuries not allowing the competition to play at their best.

    Only one thing you have to know to understand the Yankees-Sox rivalry. New York was founded by the Dutch, who had a very laid-back attitude toward commerce, sex, good times, and success. Whereas Boston was founded by Puritans, the most uptight, fearful, restrictive group until the Taliban. Both of these original character sets are still evident today. As a result, New York remains a powerhouse, and Boston is, at best, a second tier city. One that shakes its fist and moans to the heavens that it's not fair, even when they're a dominant force in any respect.

    If you sense any resemblance to the white heartland people who are so put upon--when they have the majority and upper hand in their society--you would not be wrong. Same psychological affliction, same scapegoating, same fear.

  12. @ John M, BRAVO my friend> extremely well said!

  13. Hear, hear!

    This is the franchise that always declares itself to be a class act...but rarely if ever exhibits such class.

    I still remember that, during Mariano's farewell tour, they "honored" him with a highlight reel of the (few) times they beat him. Ha ha! Had we done the same with Big Papi, there would have been outrage through every Middlesex village and town. Hell, there WAS outrage, over our own attempt to moon the Big Juicer.

  14. And Joe Late of Brooklyn: You should clarify for your friend, SIGNING CC worked out just fine. It brought us a World Series and a couple near misses. RE-signing him was the big mistake.

  15. It is difficult to fight in baseball. The usual fight, per last night, is triggered between a batter and the pitcher.

    The batter has to run 60 feet and then up an incline to hit a guy who is standing still and then quickly can " deke" either way, depending on the batter's angle of attack.

    By that time, the cowardly infielders will get in the way of the attacker or, worse, " blindside' him from an angle he cannot see.

    So it quickly is one guy ( the batter ) vs six ( including the catcher ). By the time the batter's dugout can empty and get on the field, the chaos is unfolding.

    It is a losing proposition.

    Pitchers need to hit in the AL. Otherwise, wait until the guy is out on a date,and then cold-cock him at the dinner table, steal his girlfriend, and leave the asshole with the tab.

  16. I think David Wells actually did that, Alphonso. Not sure if the guy hit him with a pitch or not, though. Or if he was a major leaguer. Or if he was dining with a girlfriend or a goat.


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