Friday, May 11, 2018

A million greedy little mouths

I was talking to a doctor I know the other day about how addiction works with the brain's receptors, and calling upon my stupendous lode of medical knowledge, ventured:

"So, it's like the more you hit the pleasure receptors with something, the more they want of it, right?"

No, my doctor friend told me, it's not just that the receptors aren't satisfied until they get more. It's that the brain actually creates MORE receptors.

After that, all I could picture was all those new receptors, popping up like so many toadstools after a rain, looking to lap up more Woodford Reserve, burger grease, cheesecake, or any of the other loathsome, unnatural, utterly indispensable substances I stuff into my body.

I pictured it like a million greedy little mouths, just wanting more and more.

That's how I feel at the end of a great winning streak. You know it has to end sometime, and you know you should be satisfied. But it still leaves you feeling bad.

All those greedy little mouths, saying, "More...more...more..."


  1. BTW, it's the same thing with smartphones and Facebook...smh.


  2. Nineteen games. 17-2. And each of the losses came by one run.

    I'm working really hard to find something to complain about, but . . .

  3. If we can put together another 17-2 skein, I think we lock up the East. Tall order, but what the heck.

  4. yes, yes and yes, Hoss. and I don't care what anybody says about not playing Dellin for more than one inning and he'll be fine. he cannot be trusted. not for two, not for one. not for nothing. not blaming the loss on him - although it would be easy to point the finger to the guy who took a shit in the middle of the punch bowl just when things were getting interesting, but I see this guy come out and my sphincter gets twitchy, like I'm walking on that glass overhang that the Havasu tribe erected over the lip of the Grand Canyon. he makes me nervous. I'm already a nervous guy. I don't need more of this shit. we should peddle him on the open market with the caveat that "he's Mariano for one inning, just don't pitch him for two." surely, some team, under that bit of misguided propaganda, will give up a useful lug nut in return. am I a dick? maybe. do I know erratic and unpredictable when I see it? definitely. remember, I used to be this guy's biggest supporter. hey man, I coulda been somebody....

  5. quick thoughts.

    Ranger, Agree about the smart phones. I changed my color setting to gray. It becomes much much less "attractive". Now I only look at it when it "rings" It no longer beckons just because it's sitting there. Ruins gaming, ruins videos, makes it a communication device again. If there's something you really want to look at turn the color back on for the moment. It's made a big difference.

    All, It was a great streak. I don't totally blame the fan in right but you really have to get out of the way. Also, Judge is just too damn nice on those HRs. He needs to aggressively get the ball. If a fan gets a glove in the mouth he can just read the back of his ticket. They threw the guy out BTW but our streak was over.

    Last, "Our Streak." It was interesting to read about growing receptors. We were starting to venture into that place where The first name of the actor who played Beaver's Dad meets with the Hebrew name of the Jewish circumcision ritual (as spoken in its Yiddish form) And good luck to all of you with that one. 10 points to the first person who figures it out.

    Doug K.

  6. It has to be " dick head," right?

  7. LOL, No.

    Good try Al. That's one down... Arlene Francis?

    Doug K.

  8. Hubris. LB (No J)

  9. Ding! Ding! Ding! Well done, LB(No J)

    Hugh (Beaumont) AKA Beaver's Dad + Bris (The Yiddish term for the Brit Milah)

    Hugh Bris. Hubris.

    You get 10 points good towards an autographed set of X-Rays of Greg Bird's feet. (Collect em' all!)

    Doug K.

  10. Thank you kindly, Doug K., from this miraculously-still-intact old agnostic geezer; that will be a worthy addition to my collection, indeed. LB (No J)


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