Friday, July 13, 2018

The Crack of Doom

Today at the Boston Glob:

Have they learned nothing from 2011? 


  1. At least the Glob used a question mark in the headline instead of an exclamation point.

    Regardless, I heartily encourage those clueless wazoos to keep counting their chickens before they hatch...

  2. I could kiss Bill Buckner and Calvin Schiraldi full on the lips every time I see them.


    Forever in Phen Weigh.


  4. RTF: I love knowing that that particular brick is there, poking fun at a bunch of misty-eyed Bostonians who don't even know what it means...

  5. ...and I have a certificate from Larry (Evil Empire) Lucchino that says the will NEVER remove it.

    Almost as prized, is the replica in my office. Signed by Mr.O'Dey and Mr. Torrez, courtesy of a Steiner Sports event. The signatures cost more than the brick.

    Fun fact, bleacher seats for the original event were $2.


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