Sunday, August 5, 2018

Stretching The Truth Into A Bright Future

So the word is;  " Chance Adams did a respectable job.  This was the bright spot of an otherwise miserable day," they said.

And some of you foresee Tom Seaver in the wings.

Certainly all the Yankee-paid , talking heads gave the same opinion.

And I don't argue against the point that the Yanks, from minute one, would have been smarter to bring up Adams and Sheffied than trade all we had left for the guy with hoof and mouth disease, and the 33 year old from the Twins.  Oh, and some lug nut named Luke who will play first base in Trenton.

But I feel compelled to respond to the positive evaluations of Chance Adams;

1.  He did take all heart out of the Yankees and lose the game in the first inning.  That two run blast by Moreland set the fans and the Red Sox up with a confidence booster.  Like a shot of adrenaline.

2.  His hair suggested that he was throwing better than he was.  It made us all think us all of Jacob LaGrom ( Met guy ?) who has demonstrated more heat, more command and more talent, albeit across town.

3.  At least three of the outs he earned would have been base hits, save for incredible " shift" positioning by Didi.

4.  Most other outs were what I describe as " rockets."  I think there is even a statistical category now for " hard hit balls."  Well, Chance registered about 8.3 on that Richter scale.

5.  Too many 3-2 counts.  Not much evidence of an " out " pitch.  Therefore, he was burned and dusted by the end of five innings.

6.  Great defense saved him from even more damage, and nearly put Aaron Hicks into the hospital.

7.  Just to remind us that he never really " got on a roll," was the 35th home-run of Martinez, who is light years ahead of our big sluggers in that category.

8.  I saw nothing , in terms of his stuff, to hang my optimistic hat upon.  His speed was average.  His breaking balls were not devastating.  He had nothing for which he was famous ( eg: high heat from Nolan Ryan; precise placement of Maddox, Cutter of Mariano, Curve of Gooden, attitude of Gibson...).

It is true that 3 runs in five innings against the best team in baseball, at their ballpark, left the Yankees ( in theory ) with a chance to win the game.  But the ERA was not good.  He recorded, what, 2 K's?

 The reason for all the optimism, is that everyone expected him to give up 12 runs in 2.1 innings.

Leaving this Yankee team down 3 runs with 4 innings to go, on the road, is pretty much a guaranteed loss.  And this pitching effort paled, dramatically vs the debuts of both German and Lasagne.

Just saying.

Don't get your hopes up. " Not awful" is a low bar to set.


  1. Hey, Alphonso, I'm perfectly willing to admit he wasn't Tom Terrific, and even that he is just as likely to be Sam Militello as, say, Chien-Ming Wang, pre-foot injury.

    But the reason we're all pleasantly surprised is that the actions and words of our mighty GM, Ozymandias Cashman, once again implied that no matter what the stats said last year, the Yankees just KNEW this guy was a dog, no use even putting him out there.

    His one performance in the majors admittedly tells us very little. But what it DOES tell us, yet again, is that Mr. Cashman doesn't seem to have anymore insight into the game than any of us gazing casually at the stat sheets—something that is both revealing and alarming.

  2. "..Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.

  3. He wrote that in a contest with another poet. What happened to the other poet is akin to what's happening to us in Boston this weekend.

  4. I have been away grieving and work has been heavy. I'm pulling a long stretch on call. I don't know what is happening. I do know that Cash is a gash mouthed imbecile that should keep his fuckin' negative suffocating jUjU to his fucking imbecile self.

  5. Don't hold back, WW. Tell us how you really feel...

  6. Yes, this was the game to give Luke Voit his big shot.


  8. A-Rod needs to shut the fuck up. And maybe choke himself on his own nutsack.

  9. The only way to endure the (E)verything (S)ox (P)romotional (N)etwork is to turn the sound off and listen to the master out of sync.

  10. TWW,
    A-Rod's empty-headed blathering is the worst form of ass-kissing happy talk. He debases himself with his silver-tongued sycophancy, first toward the Red Sox, again with the excessive praise for Varitek and then for the Yankees and the Steinbrenner family. Everybody is in baseball is a rock star. Fuck off, A-Rod.

  11. Remember '96? Remember how exciting every game was down the stretch? How remarkable and wonderful? Like falling in love again. Like being reborn. This year is not like that.

  12. So ... I got nothing at this point. Nothing. My week of call was as wretched as any in a long, long time. I am emotionally spent. I have critically ill 22 year old girls in the ICU. I have patients with perforated bowels. Gigantic cancers. And now this, Chapman can't throw strikes and Bird can't catch the ball. I'm going to bed.


  13. where's Chasen Shreve when we need him?

  14. Why is Greg Bird still on this team?

    Can't hit. Can't field.

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  17. And...that concludes this season, Yankees fans!

    All because nobody could get Sandy Leon out. Twice. In as many innings.

    Nice decision by Boone to stick Jonathan Holder back out there. Wow.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "The girl"? Fuck you, sexist asshole. She is far superior to any commentator on the Yannkees' staff--in a different league of erudition and percipience--except maybe for Coney, and she's like Aristotle compared to Sterling and Waldman.

    And just for the record, the Yankees are a diseased organization. They thoroughly deserved this humiliation. Cashman has no idea what he's doing, nor does his hand-picked toady, Boone. Compare all that to the crack professionalism of the Boston front office--or the Houston front office, or a dozen other baseball front offices.

    Fuck 'em. You guys can churn up your guts caring about this imbecilic mafia, but once again it has become impossible for a human being of any decency or integrity or respect for basic competence to root for the Yankees. May they swirl down the toilet of oblivion until the inbred Steinbrenner cabal sells the team.

  20. I think it is safe to say that there is not a single gonad remaining on this Yankees squad.

  21. FUCK BOONE!!!!!!

    And this heartless, leaderless, lazy ass posse called the Yankees.

    This was beyond embarrassing...

  22. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    This would have been his last game as manager under Old George. That would have been a good thing.

  23. ESPN is calling it for best team evah.

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  25. you are right, anon. It was lazy, and not cool. apologies.

  26. Well, pitching can get you a long way, manx. From what I see and what the stats say, I don't think they crack the Top Ten.

    But if they win it all and a lot of games, this is the sort of nonsense we're going to have to endure for a long time, yet another gift from this Rottenest—not worst! but Rottenest!—Yankees team of all time.

  27. @Horace...when I heard that Boone put Holder out there for the 10th, game was over. Turn the TV off.

    Somewhere else in internet land, some folks are questioning Matt Vasgersian in the 8th saying how the Yanks were behind which might add up to a conspiracy theory of sorts.


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