Saturday, September 22, 2018

Turn of Phrase for the Prurient

Remember when we all used to sit around the fire, and read the Farmer"s Almanac by candlelight?

Each section was headed, as I dimly recall, by a phrase of inspiration or wisdom.

For today's game, I return to page 33, which had to do with " outcomes."

Fill in the blank:

"A bird in the hand is worth  in the bush."

My version of the Almanac re-works the nouns and goes something like this;

"  A hand in the bush is worth two .

  Just keep your thinking caps on, and tell me if you agree.

We can win today with that as our mantra.


  1. A Bird on the Bench is worth two in the field.

    Doug K.

  2. A bird on the DL is par for the course.


  3. Strange but true: McCutchen is hitting .237. Gardner is hitting .237. Cutch has a better OBP by 100 pct points -- @ .425.

    McCutchen = 15 strike-outs in 59 ABs. Gardner = 102 in 506 ABs. McCutchen's SO rate is higher (25 pct vs. 20 pct).

    BUT: If it looks like there is a freaking disease on this team, here are McCutchen's numbers from SF: 123K in 482ABs.


    Tentative conclusion: If they are gonna keep Judge and Stanton (which seems extremely likely), perhaps they might get rid of both of these strike-out artists....

  4. Joe FOB,

    I seem to recall that he's been an on base machine of late and the bad #s were more of an adjustment thing. Wait, (like I am doing this in real time.) I will check

    Last seven days .261/.393/.478 .871 OPS
    Last Fifteen days .302/483/.651 1.134 OPS

    So not too shabby and the reason why he starts over Gardner.

    Doug K.

  5. Good point, Doug K.

    I still think we should sign Harper, and have Hicks as the 4th outfielder. But McCutcheon as a 4th OF could work out.

    Gardner, sadly, must go.


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