Wednesday, September 12, 2018

We were trapped in a world where the Redsocks dominated the Yankees... until now


THE REIGN OF THE REDSOCKS HAS ENDED... if you are willing to help. 

Listen to me: 

Go to your nearest comic book store TODAY and demand THE WRONG EARTH, the first-ever AHOY Comics magazine, published by your's truly and written by Tom Peyer (Aka "Mustang"). Or buy it, here.

That's right... From now on, there's a new sheriff in the comic book universe, ready to crush Marvel and DC like the puny, microscopic midge mosquitoes that they are! Today, AHOY Comics is selling its first book. The acclaim already has been far greater than anything we could have anticipated. Consider... (and these are real, by the way...)

“There’s a hot new (independent) upstart in town and it’s bringing a fresh take to the comic book issue: the comic book magazine. AHOY Comics, founded by Hart Seely (a journalist for the Syracuse Post-Standard and humorist for places as prestigious as the New Yorker) will have a few familiar faces helming its grand experiment.”--SYFY WIRE

“Impressive.”—GRAPHIC POLICY

“Just when you thought the comics publishing landscape was fully saturated, another player is coming to the table banking on a new format, twisted humor and blue-chip pedigree to reach readers looking for a different spin on familiar comics tropes and genres.”—FORBES

“AHOY Comics is being founded on the idea that there's something unique about the reading experience that isn't available in other media.”—NEWSARAMA

“AHOY Comics are aiming to make a big splash come September.”—COMICON

“Those of you saying we need more bang for your buck, look no further. Ahoy there.”—COMICS BEAT

“Several of my favorite creators are on their way to the line as well: Ryan Kelly, Linda Medley, Roger Stern (!!), Ann Nocenti, and more. That's a good way to get my attention.”—PANEL PATTER

“AHOY Comics is a new publisher that are putting the value back into comics.”—ADVENTURES IN POOR TASTE

AHOY Comics“ looks like a pretty big deal.In addition to launching The Wrong Earth, they’ve also announced High Heaven by Peyer and Greg Scott, Captain Ginger by Stuart Moore and June Brigman, and an anthology called Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Terror. Additionally, the press release promises upcoming comics by “Gary Erskine, Ryan Kelly, Mariah McCourt, Linda Medley, Peter Milligan, Dean Motter, Ann Nocenti, Rachel Pollack, Roger Stern and others.” Do you know how difficult it was to pick a few to fit in the headline?!” — BLEEDING COOL
"In many respects, AHOY is comics by way of the New Yorker .....There’s fertile ground here for new voices, new stories, new stuff." — WMQ Comics
AHOY Comics “boasts a lineup of top creators and feature cartoons, prose and poetry.”—THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.

That's right. We are in the business of comics. 



  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to get one.

    If this doesn't reverse the deadly, Red Soxian karma of our current earth, I don't know what will!!


  2. Congrats as well. I am headed to my comic shop today as it turns out. I will insist that they carry your titles.

    As far as destroying the Red Sox goes... Maybe "The Sockless" is your next great title.

    It takes place in a world where the Red Sox have mysteriously vanished and there are all of these assholes wandering around zombie-like with no one to root for.

    Spoiler alert: The super villain is the frozen head of Walt Disney who manipulated the frozen head of Ted Williams (not to bright to begin with) to catch and freeze the current Red Sox with the promise of immortality that goes beyond being this year's Super Dynasty Team of Destiny.

    Walt's goal is not World Domination (He's already got that) His goal is to get the zombie assholes to abandon baseball thus freeing up their time to spend their money on Disney products. It's a pilot program.

    Doug K.

  3. Love it, Doug K.!

    My alternative reality plot is based on the fact that, as part of his deals with the Yankees, Harry Frazee actually gave Col. Ruppert the mortgage on Fenway Park as collateral. (True story!)

    When Frazee's theatrical productions unexpectedly flop, the Colonel forecloses. The desperate Red Sox move to Milwaukee, and the Col. rents out Fenway to the Boston Braves, who end up flourishing in Beantown.

    The Milwaukee BrewSox, not so much.

  4. Will there be a follow-up called The Wrong Manager, Pitching Coach, and General Manager?

    That would be a great horror entry.

  5. Hoss, I like the BrewSox. That should be a real team name.

    John M. I think the title you are going for is "The Fall of the House of Steinbrenner"

    Which is slightly less horrifying then "The Fall of the House of David Brenner."

    Doug K.

  6. They might like pee, WW. Better to shit on them or, as a local character I know used to say: "I'm going to rip off your head and shit down your throat."

    As for this fantastic news, CONGRATS, DUQUE AND MUSTANG. I'm going to run down to the new comic place that just opened near me - West Village Comics - and order me a copy.

    FUCK BOSTON, even if we suck right now.

  7. Just put in the order. The guy said he could get it. He looked it up and, I swear, he said "Chihuahua - I know him. Yeah, I can get it." Then again, I have had what I used to call "dyslexic hearing," which I now know to be BAD hearing, ever since I was a young pothead and then, especially, after I saw the Clash at Bond's Casino, standing right in front of the stacks. I lost more than a few tones that day.

  8. 13, Cheap Trick, 1978. My ears are still ringing.

    Anon, David Brenner deserves better.

  9. Arrowsmith and Neil Young (different nights) 1978.

  10. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 12, 2018 at 6:01 PM

    Scorpions and Rainbow at Madison Square Garden, 1982

  11. Stevie Ray Vaughan ca 1980. Deafness well earned.

  12. Pink Floyd Nassau Coliseum 1975.

    Doug K.

  13. Duque , just bought it. Again congratulations

    Doug K

  14. Just bought mine from a shop in TN. Could not get your link to,work on my iPad. Got stuck trying to make payment.

  15. Next comic title.... The fuckery of Boone

    It'll be the most horrifying of them all

  16. Trademarking The Fuckery of Boone.

  17. Trademarking “Hitless, Dickless, Feckless, Useless Fuckers in Pinstripes”

  18. A new low? One hit off Jake Odorizzi? Wow, that is beyond words.

    Then, my first 59 attempts to get through to this site were thwarted for some reason, when my computer couldn't find the server. I figured it was sabotaged by either the Red Sox or River Avenue Blues partisans.

    So what to say? A big hit by Greg Bird, and a stolen base by Gary Sanchez—we really are in an alternate universe.

    Stanton now down to .264, and no homers since August 18. I guess that big finish thing was so 2017.

    Hicks down to .244, and made a valiant try but missed their big hit of the day. McCutcheon, the great fix, now at .152.

    A 1-game lead in the Wild Card.

    If they do not host this game, I think they should just send a nice note to Oakland. Something along the lines of, "We decided to do what we could to fight climate change by sparing the environment two futile transcontinental charter flights. Good luck, and beat Boston!"

    Oh, and the Red Sox beat Toronto, 1-0, behind David Price.

  19. Pull the fucken plug on this bad boy..NY Boonie's boat is scraping the ocean floor

    For Ol Jetes sake wheres the fucken NY Pride.
    All we get is this bland passionless quotes from the likes of Gray Bird Gardner Boone, its as if the words came straight from the Kremlin of the hudson print press.

    How the hell do you get no hit by Odorizzi.
    It's no longer "early" in the season and:

    Stanton id still striking out on the WORST looking pitches I've EVER seen.

    Bird is STILL not in triple a

    Gary's average is STILL below the Mendoza line

    Gardner's is still engraved in the starting lineup

    Hicks is still searching for his own limitless potential

    This season has made me SICK!

    At this rate we're gonna be looking at a Ray As wildcard game. And I will be looking at the bottom of a bottle or two

  20. Well, hope springs eternal, Joe F.

    But...even if the Rays were to go 14-3, the Yanks would have to go 4-12 in their remaining games—and that would be just to force a playoff. Pretty difficult, though the way these Yankees are playing just now, if you gave me 10-1 odds that they would NOT lose all their remaining games, I would have to think long and hard about it.

    Still, that would be just the sort of meltdown we could use, to wipe out any chance of facing Boston and to maybe force the local press to sit up and taken notice.

  21. Duque....when I was an avid comic book collector as a kid, I had several subscriptions and got the newest editions before the drug store (there were no "comic book stores" back then) rolled them out for sale. Is there a way to subscribe? I am now boycotting Amazon like I have Walmart for the last 20 years so I won't purchase it there. You can probably figure out why. If not, I will have to scour the internet for my nearest vendor of comic books and demand they order it if they do not currently carry The Wrong Earth.


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