Sunday, March 10, 2019

Searching for meaning... or a mooning?

Greg Bird continues to hit. Clint Frazier continues not to.  

Gleyber Torres restores himself to .300. Gary Sanchez is still below .200.  

Luis Cessa goes four innings, gives up one hit. Albert Abreu can't find the strike zone.

Small sample size in a fake pre-season.

What does it mean? Absolutely nothing... right?

Congrats to A-Rod and J-Lo, who are now engaged. America needs a royal wedding. Will Big Papi get an invite? Can we moon the event?


  1. Fuck Hal, fuck Brian.
    See you all around the ranch.
    The Yankees suck now.

    that's my morning haiku, men - and woman - and I'm just tired of the stupidity on this team.

  2. Just so you know how much Sanchez sucks, has a highlight video at the top of the team page, that shows him knocking in a run with a fly out to center and then a "hit" that looks like a botched tough bounce at third.

    Those are the highlights.



  4. I don't think it means all that much except for people who are on the bubble. I'm sure they scrutinize who the batter hits against and conversely who the pitcher retires. In years past, when the Yankees were in the middle of lean years, a hot bat like Florial would be able to come north with the team. Today, most positions are set or at least the roster pretty much is determined except for the bubble guys.

    Look at it this way: The hotter Florial stays, the more Cashman will get next month when they trade him for a pitcher after Sevarino goes under the knife.

  5. It's a small sample of nothing. Most pitchers have not reached their max velocity and precision and are less concerned with getting batters out than with fine-tuning their mechanics and pitches. It's SO TIRESOME to see people citing spring-training batting stats as though they are anything other than white noise. A competent organization judges talent based on meaningful samples in meaningful competition, not on spring training games.


    "Following along with the game on, I saw a string of events that seemed scarcely believable. In the bottom of the fourth, Francisco Liriano relieved Pirates starter Chris Archer. Aaron Judge, leading off the inning, walked on four pitches. Next, Giancarlo Stanton walked, this time, on four pitches. Then, Greg Bird walked, on four pitches. Finally, Gleyber Torres walked to force in a run... on four pitches. Without being able to watch the game, I have no way to tell what happened to Liriano, and what the Yankees hitters were doing there at the plate as they waited to see whether the pitcher could find the strike zone. After walking four straight batters on four pitches to start an inning, Liriano was removed with a perfect 16-balls-in-16-pitches line."

    Not sure if that has happened before...

  7. I smell stat baby farts floating in the breeze

  8. Hey Deranged Anonymous--Did I cite a stat in my post? No. Are you a psychopathic, frustrated little cipher spewing venom at anonymously typed characters on the Internet? Yes.

    Any more questions?

  9. I nailed it again, shitface. You're so fucking transparent, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Suck off and die.


  10. Did I cite a stat in my post?

    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbayah

    Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya.

    Oh, and anyone who thinks the Yankees have a surfeit of starting pitching should go away.

  11. Local Bargain Jerk--here's a linkf for you:

  12. You nailed what again, Psycho Anon--that you sally forth with the accusation of "statboy" in response to a comment that contains no stats? That you're really that fucking stupid? Yes, you nailed that perfectly. Now go wipe the spittle from your mouth and ask your Mommy to wipe your ass.


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