Monday, March 11, 2019

Tulo: Too little, too late?

Obviously, you already know that Troy Tulowitzki is hitting .176 - 3 for 17, in this early non-spring of no collusion (!) Aside from two HRs - lead-off dingers in his first two games back in February - he's been the ghost of Jayson Nix. He is 0 for his last 12, with - gulp - nine strikeouts. (One walk.) He grounded into a DP. In the field, he's been serviceable: no errors in 16 chances over 31 innings. Jayson Nix.

Obviously, it's too early to panic. The guy has only seen 45 pitches. But Tulo's early haplessness serves as a cold skin-bracer to the Calgon Beauty Bath delusion that Tulowitzki would be a low-cost miracle makeover - the CBD oil that would cure all the Yankees problems until Didi Gregorius returns.

Suddenly, we must confront the knee-buckling possibility that Tulo will be a wipe-out, and that come March 30, we will once again learn that Father Time is ball-buster, that nobody plays forever, and that missing 18 months is a kiss of death for even the great ones... and, well, that anybody can look Tulowitzkian in a two-day, Tulo tryout. Which is what the Yankees bought into.

Obviously, we should not throw in the Tulo towel. This is a microscopic sample size, and the guy's reputation remains solid. But you can sense that seed underneath the mattress. We figured he would play well; the fear was that he'd tweak something and disappear, like a Joba into the night. Now, we are left with the possibility that Gleyber Torres must shift to SS, with DJ LeMahieu - the Man Who Hits at Coors Field - at 2B.

LeMahieu went 0-4 yesterday, lowering his spring average to .208. He was supposed to be a contact hitter, the guy who doesn't strike out. He has fanned four times, already - 10 ground balls in 24 at bats. Oh, well. Get him to Coors Field, and things will change! 

Excuse me, but I'm going to cut this short. I want to go re-read those blogs that rejoiced when the Yankees avoided those "disastrous" deals with Manny Machado and Bryce Harper. Maybe they'll give me comfort. Because right now, 2019 looks more like 2016 than any other recent year, and 2016 was a bad season. You could look it up.

Right now, we have a three-man rotation, no CF, and a jump ball in the middle of the infield. We have no clear 1B, and our 3B's glove is a work in progress. (Note: Miggy with 40 chances, no errors!) Our bullpen looks solid, and we should hit a lot of HRs. After that, we'll need to get lucky. And the Tulo card that we're about to turn over... suddenly, I'm getting nervous.


  1. Just returned from a week in NOLA. I had to sober up for this crap.

  2. I think Gammonite Central picked the Yankees to win the division so when they flop and the Red Sox win, they can crow about our lousy season and the Sox' plucky stick-to-it-ness.

    And this from the GC Yankees page today:

    Boone not bothered by Tulowitzki's slow start

    Despite a slow start at the plate that has seen him go 3-for-17 in seven games, Troy Tulowitzki is doing just fine, according to Yankees manager Aaron Boone.

  3. This is the year of Wade, Loiziga, and German. Or should be.

    Let the kids show what they can do.

    Stop sucking your thumb with fading retreadsy like Tulo and LeMahieu.

    And duque--you can't pine for young talent getting a chance and at the same time pine for millstone long-term contracts for duds like Machado (who always put up league-average numbers for a third baseman away from Camden Yards) and Harper (who has had exactly one oustanding year as a major leaguer but last year had a much lower WAR than Aaron Hicks).

    Duque--do you want to build a team, or do you want to snap up big-name duds and pay out gazillions for them that will make it impossible to retain people like Judge and and Andujar when their payday comes? This is the kind of heedless desperation that killed the franchise under the dark days of King George in the eighties and early nineties before he was put in a cage and Stick and Buck were allowed to reconstruct the franchise on sound baseball principles.

    Please think before you type.

  4. I most heartily disagree. Duque may pine for both a youngster revolution and huge millstone contracts that drown the organization. Simultaneously, Anon, simultaneously. El Duque once said to me this:

    "The past and present wilt—I have fill'd them, emptied them.
    And proceed to fill my next fold of the future.

    Listener up there! what have you to confide to me?
    Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening,
    (Talk honestly, no one else hears you, and I stay only a minute longer.)

    Do I contradict myself?
    Very well then I contradict myself,
    (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

    I concentrate toward them that are nigh, I wait on the door-slab.

    Who has done his day's work? who will soonest be through with his supper?
    Who wishes to walk with me?

    Will you speak before I am gone? will you prove already too late?"

    Now do you understand? Now do you see? Can you smell what The Warblist is cooking?

  5. The anarchy of poetic grandeur and the rational calculus of building a baseball team are not congruent concepts or even remotely comparable modalities of being. Except to a pretentious, witless fop with a sexual identity crisis.

  6. Duque, can I keep it? Can I keep Puckered? Can I? I promise to feed it and take it for walks and change its litter and give it treats when it's good!


  7. Shut up, you warped little trans worm. Now why don't you cut and paste a poem by Chelsea Manning--more your speed.

  8. How are things in your fourth-rate little suburban group practice? Happy with your life as a sexually tormented professional mediocrity?

  9. Things are good. My eldest son made valedictorian and is headed to an Ivy League college. And I'm going to buy another vintage Porsche after I redo the kitchen.

  10. Happy for you, Warblist! It's touching how Puckered cares enough to ask after your wellbeing. I think he's sweet on you.

  11. Thanks KD. I think you're right. I'm pretty sure that's what this is all about.

  12. Congrats, Warbler!

    I agree about Manny, Duque. I know, I know, he and Bryce have big faults, and the way things were going back in early 2018, I thought, "Who needs 'em?"

    But one sign of a true leader is to be able to adjust to sudden adversity. Coops either dealt away the farm system or watched as prospect after prospect suddenly floundered or got injured.

    So, if you won't do anything to fix the farm, you gotta buy the two best ever free agents at such a young age.

    To which, of course, Hal says, "I don't HAVE to do ANYTHING! I have hundreds of millions of your taxes in subsidies already! Now, give me some more for my budding soccer empire and shut up!"


  13. Warblist--I know a good practitioner upstate in delusional psychosis. And I know another who treats the kind of character disorder of a freak who fantasizes about buying multiple Porsche's while the planet burns. What a sick, pathetic piece of shit you are.

  14. KD--the perennial tagalong loser.

  15. Even your psychotic fantasies reek of yenta mediocrity: "My son is going to an Ivy League school!" "I have TWO expensive fancy cars--both upholstered in fine Corinthian leather." "My country club has almost no black people or Puerto Ricans!" "My lawn is a perfect manicured green in the summertime when I sit in the backyard in my lawn chair and contemplate what a sadly debased materialistic scum of a corrupt disease of a human being I am!"

    What an embarrassing Babbitt dumbass.

  16. Warblist's new official blog moniker: George F. Babbitt. "Look at the thick plush pile carpeting in my bedroom!" "I have a whirlpool in every bathroom--one for me, one for my fat stupid wife, and another for my IVY LEAGUE son!"

    Keep us posted, Babbitt.

  17. Hey, Babbitt--while you're tooling around in your carbon-belching monstrosities--real or imagined--think about the following, from New York magazine, ya' babbling imbecile:

    "UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That."
    By David Wallace-Wells

  18. Hey, Babbitt--did you happen to catch this study?

    "The Fancier the Car, the More Likely That the Owner Is a Jerk"

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