Saturday, March 2, 2019

Searching for meaning...

Reader, do not stare into the numerical and alphabetical symbols to your right. They are an illusion. Nothing is real. If you study them, you will become them. There is no more a horrible fate within the Yankiverse. Trust me: they will madden you.

Offensively, all you need to know is this: 

Clint Frazier, one for one, with a double.

Everything else... zilch, zip, zoop.

What does it say when the star of the game is somebody named Lipka? 

(Note: That's Matt Lipka, a 26-year-old utility man ditched by the Giants after hitting .240 last year in Double A. But hey, two walks, a run, he plays CF and is hitting .286! What if he were to break out, I mean, really break out and become a big producer! Wouldn't that be something? I mean, you never know. Maybe he's been working out all winter, newly recommitted to the game, and the Yankees knew about this because they have spies everywhere, and he's going to be the star centerfielder we've been waiting for since Bernie?)

Excuse me. I ended up staring into the numbers. Sorry.

As for pitching...

Mean Chad Green: 4 batters, 3 Ks.

Can-Do Kahnle: 3 batters, 3 Ks.

Big Maple Paxton: Two innings, one walk, one HR.

Johnny Lasagna: Two point two innings, one walk, one HR.

And we scored twice in the ninth to tie Baltimore. Take that, O's. Kudos to all!


  1. Stanton and Saez are sporting Sanchez batting averages.


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