Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Five in a row: Is it the Yankees or the Cans of Tomato?

With the exception of Lean Chad Green - who can't seem to do anything right - the Death Star today looks terrifyingly functional. With one month nearly in the books, some views from Lord Vader's observational pod:

Luke Voit is real. Forget those fears that last fall's glorious hitting streak was merely a false-read. The guy should hit 30 HRs. It's hard to believe we got him for Giovani Gallegos and Chasen Shreve. (Gallegos has thrown 6.2 innings for St. Louis with an ERA of 5.40; Shreve is at Triple A and getting pounded.) We carp a lot about Cooperstown Cashman, but give him credit: This might be one of his greatest deals. We have Voit through 2025; he's not even eligible for arbitration until 2021. He is a certifiable cash cow for Food Stamps Hal Steinbrenner. How did the Cardinals sleep on this guy?

Could Mike Tauchman be another steal? Too early to say, but there seems a new madness to Cashman: Don't ignore the performances at Triple A. Both Voit and Tauchman put up fine minor league numbers, failed in brief MLB auditions, and were discarded. In the past, the Yankees - via Cashman - often dismissed strong seasons by players in Scranton, preferring washed-up veterans. Now, it's as if they have changed. Advanced analytics? Dunno. Have they simply learned? Dunno. They just signed Logan Morrison. Why does that news feel like a kick in the balls?  

It's not the trades that have saved us this spring. It's something far more refreshing: It's their willingness to promote from within. Watching Mike Ford hit a home run last night was one of the season's most enjoyable moments yet - second only to the rise of Clint Frazier. The great teams always had a promising bench. Lately, Tyler Wade and Austin Romine have provided relief - Wade in particular after being cruelly discarded at the end of spring training. Now, we're seeing victories from a full franchise. It's something new.

Five in a row. Of course, it's come against the Royals and Angels, teams cursed by the lack of a market and too much of one. Cursed by the Japanese Babe Ruth - dare we call him one of the biggest busts in modern history? - the Angels now look like a one-man show, and the one-man can be pitched-around. We'll follow with the last-place Giants, then play the below-.500 Diamondbacks. 

In case you're wondering, the fulcrum point of 2019 happens between July 25 and August 4: The Yankees and Redsocks play seven games in nine days. 

By then, Ford and Tauchman will likely be afterthoughts. But the games they won for us in April will still count. Chad Green could be gone, but Voit will be somewhere in the mix.


  1. I want to keep this team as it is, minus poor Greenie. Like almost all wishes, this will not come true.

    The stars will return, the kids will be demoted, the losses will begin. Such is the Yankees way.

  2. Fulcrum? Of the season? Umm, I know it's early, but these Red Sox have started the season looking like a family-sized tomato can stocked at a big box store.

    Logan who?


  3. One additional thought: maybe it's the tomato cans, but this team as it's currently constructed reminds me more of the late 90s teams than anything we've put on the field since. There are contributions from everyone, it's an actual team, and the chemistry is palpable. I'm trying not to get excited about it because I know as soon as a couple guys come off the IL, that chemistry is going to be destroyed--along with the hopes of once and future minor leaguers who are always passed over in favor of guys acquired in trades.

    It's too bad. Not that all the trades are terrible, but it's too bad.

  4. The fulcrum will be when the "vets" return and start to stink the place up again.

  5. Well-observed, Duque!

    So what is we got?

    "We got heeeaaarrrttt!
    Miles an' miles an' miles of heart!
    Sure it's fine to be a genius of course
    But keep that old horse before the cart
    Cause you gotta have heart!"


  6. Did y'all see that ICS allowed 2 PBs in 5 innings in his "rehab" effort Monday?

    He's already in mid-season form, sorry to say.

  7. So, I know this sounds uncharacteristically optimistic, BUT...let's not get TOO down on the idea of the returning veterans.

    After all, who's out there who will come back? Let's remind ourselves:

    The Judge—love him, of course.

    El Matador—a hitting machine, and anyway, he may be out for the year.

    Sir Didi—of course we want Didi. The General has given us a great April, but of course he's bound to cool down and, let's face it, there's only so much we're going to get from Tyler Too.

    Hicks—we know that Gardner will hit a wall before too much longer. And he's not exactly Wille Mays now.

    Sevvy—I doubt if he'll be back anytime soon. But if he is, and can pitch anything like his old self, great.

    Toonces—here's where it starts to get tricky. But hey, he CANNOT do any worse than Chad Green, with the 16.43 ERA.

    Sancho—I know, I know. But we know that Lettuce will need a rest and Higgy is just not a major-league player.

    On the season so far, the Yanks have a nice pct. on stolen bases, 11-13. But our opponents are 25-29. Sure, that's in part because Ma Boone thinks that a pitchout is a radical new strategy. But still. We're going to need some help behind the plate.

    Bird—if Ford and Voit keep hitting as they did last night, he ain't comin' back. It's sad, but there it is. And who knows how much he can play anyway?

    That leave Giancarlo. Big sigh. Whatta we gonna do with this guy? Will he be blocking Frazier at-bats? Knocking Ford back to Scranton? Probably.

    But let's remember: when they got turned around again and made that run in 2017, it was with what seemed like an overcrowded roster, too.

    Bird came back for his last moment of glory. Todd Frazier gave us some terrific moments. Even Chase Headley, who we had cooled on, Starlin Castro, and Ellsbury (look up the name, you'll remember then) made contributions.

    With the injuries in the game nowadays, playing in waves could work out.

  8. Maybe we love them too much. Maybe we need to hate them more.

    WAIT - has Satan invaded my soul?

    Ok, I'm going to go try to purge the evil with a walk in the sun.

    In the meantime, it's all conversation.

  9. That is an excellent point Hoss. The only guy who we are meh about is Stanton. (and Sanchez but he's vital. Plus if I recall from last year Romine wears down if he has to play the majority of the games.

    Doug K.

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