Friday, May 24, 2019

Be still, my heart!

I wouldn't call today's Bludgeoning of the Birds—the 12th in a row, in Baltimore—exactly a work of art.  But I have to admit, I loved the way we:

—Fielded the ball, especially in the infield.

—Scored runs.

Particularly the way we scored runs.

Sure, there were two more homers.  But there was also:

—Gio singling with two outs and the bases loaded in the 6th, for two runs.

—Thairo the Pharaoh singling, stealing second, then scoring on a single by Romine.

—Sanchez, pinch-hitting for Romine in the ninth, gently popping a ball into the vast open spaces of the right side when Baltimore put on one of the most extreme shifts I've ever seen.  It just kept the line moving, as the 1998-2000 Yankees liked to say.  Two batters later, Aaron Hicks drew that bases loaded walk to force in the winning run.

Guess he didn't read the manual on "Dare to Take a Called Third Strike."

Scrapping for runs, sizzling with the gloves.  Nice.  The only dubious moment?  (I mean, besides Jonathan Surrenderer once again giving it up.)  That triple over Hicks' head.  He not only looked baffled by the ball but jogged in a Canoesque fashion after it.

Are we going hear about another calf strain tomorrow?


  1. Pushing his deadball-era baseball wisdom, Savant HC66 conveniently neglects to mention that the margin of victory was one run--that one run coming in the form of Frazier's homerun.

    And the 1998 Yankees, whom he seems to mistake for the 1918 club, had a team slugging percentage of .825 compared to the .781 of the 2018 edition. So much for the myth of the push-bunt, manufactured-run small ball of HC66's wet dreams.

  2. Your mental illness is showing again, little stat baby...

  3. Wow, a *new* stat! Almost as significant as a Mr. May GWRBI! Something this revolutionary and transformational must have been dreamed up in mommy's basement! Just pick which run is the *winning* run. No wonder Suzyn had Frazier as her star of the game! Such an achievement for an underoos wearing zit-faced twerp! A new stat! A new stat! Every member (sic) of the circle jerk must be envious! It was such a leap forward it had to proclaim it to everyone as soon as it got home from its shift at The Pizza Pit!

  4. This is almost as groundbreaking as the redsockian "more days in first" "stat" from the turn of the millennium. How perfect for a mill-i-anal.

  5. Someone needs to be basted and slow-roasted on a spit.

  6. Psycho Anon attributes mental illness to anyone with knowledge of something other than his own penchant for eating his own vomit for breakfast. Why does this blog attract so many miscreants? Miscreants who are not only stupid and ignorant and militantly philistine, but extravagantly, maliciously insane as well?

  7. Warblist, the famously twisted gender-identity psycho who makes Norman Bates look like Norman Vincent Peale by comparison, lauds a post encouraging torture and murder--right on the heels of lecturing the assembled on PC identity-politics discourse and telling how we must be "better than that." Better than what? Reveling in fantasies of torture-homicide? Writhing in his cross-dressing torments of twisted sexuality?

    This guy is WARPED--nearly as warped as his demented tag-team partners Psycho Anon and 13bit, who the WARPED one congratulates for responding to a valid statistical point with a homicidal fantasy.

    No more Warblist--from now on WARPLIST--the eternally Warped one, a blight on this list and on the human race.

  8. There's no claim of a "new" stat. Just the simple reality that the margin of victory in the game was provided by HOMERUNS, not by squeeze plays or sacrifice bunts or whatever other antedeluvian deadball stragegem a withered ignoramus like HC66 jerks off to at night in his militant ignorance of contemporary baseball realities.

    Here's a riddle: how many morons, illiterates, and psychotics does it take to ruin a baseball blog? And how many psychos need to echo their own posts with sock-puppet alternative nics before they finally realize that they just ought to yield to despair, do humanity and themselves a favor, and erase their tormented souls from the planet earth?

    Let me count the ways.

  9. Here's the simple point, reiterated as clearly as possible for the assembled special-needs commentators:

    HC66 cites the 1998 Yankees as an example of a team that manufactured runs one at a time instead of relying on the power games. I disproved this by noting that that team had an even higher slugging percentage than last year's home-run derby assemblage, thus EMPIRICALLY PROVING that his babbling anachronism has no idea what he's talking about; is a dribbling, senile fraud; and should no longer be given featured comment status on this blog unless duque is determined to limit participation to himself, three of his closest friends and collaborators, and six assorted psychotics who seem mightily inspired by his bouts of rooting voodoo.

    You'd sell a lot more books and maybe actually make some money from this dimestore cult if you would revamp the site to encompass some serious baseball analysis and permanently ban the clot of psychotics who clearly discourage participation by anyone who doesn't belong in a padded cell. The air of militant stupidity and derangement that hangs over this blog is YOUR responsibility--because you choose to do nothing to discourage it.

  10. Actually, this site is largely miscreant free. Just don't get between us and our gin!!!

    Memorial Day! Clear liquor won't draw frowns at the yacht club anymore!!

  11. HC66--the next time you're tempted to take to the keyboard for any reason, ask yourself: Is there really any reason for me to add to the total of stupidity in the world? Then check yourself, and go jerk off to bunting instructional films from 1912 on youtube.

  12. Mill-i-anal, lay off the Accutane for a while. It didn't work anyway.

  13. Hey Psycho Anon--give your sock puppets a rest and return to your crypt of freshly minted vomit.

  14. Just for kicks, I'm going to order 15 pepperoni pies tonight and watch mill-i-anal deliver them to the hallal center.

  15. 15 Pizza Pit Pepperoni Pies. That'll be difficult to say and not laugh.

    Here's laughing at you, kid.

  16. Psycho Anon and his fan base--his own sock puppets and the skeleton of his mother he keeps in the attic.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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